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Classification Goes in order: Kingdom then Phylum, etc. so lets say the organism is a monkey it would belong in the animal kingdom, Now that Kingdom is established next comes Phylum. As it is an animal with a spine the Phylum would be Chordate (vertebrate). The phylum is a descriptor used to help classify things. Now if it was a type of sea sponge it would still be in the animal Kingdom, but the Phylum would be different a sponge is in the phylum Porifera. It is almost like playing 20 questions.

Each step in the classification process narrows down the choices of what the organism can be. Phylum is the second step to getting to what an organism is.

Classification is not that bad if you remember this little ditty: Kangaroos Play Cellos, Orangutans Fiddle, Gorillas Sing.

Kangaroos = Kingdom, Play = Phylum, Cello = Class, Orangutans = Order, Fiddle = Family,

Gorillas = Genus, Sing = Species

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3d ago

Organisms are classified into phyla based on shared characteristics such as body structure, reproduction methods, and developmental patterns. Taxonomists use these traits to determine the relationships between different organisms and group them into phyla accordingly. This classification system helps scientists understand the diversity of life on Earth.

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Are there more kingdoms phylums or classes of organisms?

There are more classes of organisms, since it is the most specific of the three.

Make up different phyla?

the different domains and kingdoms specify the phylums of different organisms

What kind of information do scientist use to classify organisms?

Taxonomists use fossil records, morphological structures, and DNA/genetic information in order to classify organisms into different kingdoms, phylums, and classes.

What are the different phylums and families of algae?

different phylums are classifications of aminals, plants worms and other species living among us. One of the phylums is mamilla which includes all mammals.

Is each kingdom of organisms is divided into several classes?

kingdoms are divided into phylums, and each phylum is divided into classes. some phyla only have one class though, such as nematoda.

How are animals characterized into phylums?

they are grouped.

What phylums are the horses in?

Phyla Chordates, they are vertebrates.

What phylum does fungi belong to?

There are four different phylums that fungi may belong too. Entomophthoromycotina, kickxellomycotina, mucoromycotina, and zoopagomycotina are the phylums that fungus can belong to.

What is the plural word form of the word phylum?


How are the 9 phylums similar?

The 9 phyla in biology are similar in that they are all classifications of groups of organisms based on shared characteristics. They represent broad categories that help organize and understand the diversity of life on Earth. Additionally, each phylum contains organisms that share a common ancestor and evolutionary history.

How do you classify organisms?

Organisms are classified into kingdoms, phylums, classes, orders, families, genuses, and species. There are several subcategories, such as subspecies. An organism's scientific name is the combination of its genus and subspecies (ex. Puma Concolor, Puma is the genus, concolor is the species).

Why are phylum pyrrophyta and dinoflagellata a paradox?

Dinoflagellata and Pyrrophyta are two seperate Phylums, but share some of the same members. Pyrrophyta encompasses more organisms, and a working dichotomous key cannot have two phylum that share any of the same members; it defeats the point of seperating the organisms in the first place.