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They usually hunt for animals in areas that are protected enviroments, and for the endangered animals, becaused they will bring the larger prices, many times dead or alive. They set leg traps near steams and watering holes. They dig out pits dug into the ground and then covered over with branches and leaves on major trails, usually going to and from watering holes. They also set up nets set to spring with some form of food to entice the animal they are trapping to step into the trap. They also use vehicles to herd and stampede the animals, cutting some from the herd, and then killing them. Some want the animals alive and as young as possible, so they may have to kill the mother to take the babies from them. Where the age might not matter, they just want it alive, especially with reptiles. Then with birds, if they are knowledgeable, they can just steal the eggs and raise the chicks from hatchlings. I'm sure this is not all the ways that poacher's hunt, they can be very clever and use means that I would never imgaine using on an animal. They are constantly coming up with new ways to get what they consider to be nothing more than a marketable item, showing no respect for the laws protecting the animals or the animals themselves.

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15y ago
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10y ago

Poachers kill animals illegally using a variety of methods. Some set traps while others use hunting tools, such as cross bows or guns.

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11y ago

they usaly kill them with a gun and then they cut off their horns.

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