

How do roots breathe?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: How do roots breathe?
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What is special about the rhizofora's roots?

Their roots breathe the air like other mangroves

Can tress breathe?

Yes because of there roots

How does the root breathe?

roots can breathe through air spaces between the soil particals

How do plant roots breathe in the soil?

Plants breathe in the soil with the help of their roots . Some plants such as mangroves grow in muddy soil which does not contain much oxygen. To get some air, some mangroves give out special roots called breathing roots. Breathing roots are lined with special cells ( called lentils ) that absorb air. But , plants usually do not breathe through their roots ( mostly through leaves ) . Mostly soil particles can go through roots but I don't know how.

What is the tree name that has hanging roots?

Banyan tree has hanging roots. They help the tree to breathe easily.

What is the origin of the word inspire?

Spiro=breathe in=in, into Both Latin roots.

How does loosened soil allow the roots to breathe easily?

one of the most important task in agriculture is to turn the soil and loosen it. the loose soil allows the roots to breathe easily even when they go deep into the soil

How do tree roots help the earth?

They clean the air so that we can breathe fresh air.

What r pneumatophores?

Pneumatophores are aerial roots, that allow plants in waterlogged areas to breathe air.

How do aquatic plants breath in oxygen?

some have breathing roots that appear above water surface pneumataphores

What is the name of the fish that can climb up trees and can walk?

The mudskipper is a fish which can walk, breathe air and climb tree roots in mangrove areas.

Do leaves permit entry of carbon dioxide and roots permit entry of water?

Leaves you can think of as pores in skin they breathe get filled with dirt and water. They are the main source of air for the tree and yes the roots are the main source of water