

Best Answer
The five elements of STEEP analysisThe five elements of a STEEP analysis are reflected in name of the tool.
  • S - Social
  • The social element of the external environment takes into account the aspects that describe society as a whole. Some of the key elements that organizations must deal with in each market are:
    • Demographics
    • Lifestyles
    • Religion
    • Education
    • Age distribution of the population

    Changes in the social environment can create havoc on an established strategic plan. Analysts must be careful when monitoring trends in society to arrive at the correct conclusions.

  • T - Technological
  • Industries that rely on technological advances to generate new products and services are prone to be affected by rapid changes in the environment. It is the job of analysts to monitor and measure the effects the changes within the technological environment will have on their respective product-development strategies. This task may take years to conduct depending on how the industry is driven by innovation.
  • E - Economic
  • The economic environment contains aspects dealing with individuals' capacity to obtain products or services given the set of economic conditions. Analysts must properly assess how consumers will react when there are changes within the environment and how their firm should adjust their strategy to remain competitive given the circumstances.
  • E - Ecological
  • The ecological element considers the present-day situation of the physical and biological environments that companies can face. Companies which make use of Natural Resources in producing goods should devote a great amount of time examining the ecological environment of each country in which they are offering their goods and services. Without the correct information, companies can be fined and refused the right to operate in certain regions around the globe.
  • P - Political / Legal
  • This element of the analysis consists of understanding the political and legal environments of a specific country or region where companies select to operate. Failure to understand and adapt to the political and legal environments will result in overcoming barriers which may be too costly to deal with, given the expected return on investment.

Read more: MBA Boost - STEEP Analysis Tool

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Q: How do steep factors influence curriculum?
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How political influence curriculum development?

In my opinion, politics is one of the factors that influence the development of the curriculum. It is clearly indicating that curriculum development is influenced by the political process, because every time the leadership of a country's exchange, then every time that curriculum change.

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(I) advancement of science and technology (II) political policy

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Social factors affecting curriculum include cultural norms, societal values, student diversity, and community needs. These factors can influence what is included in the curriculum, how it is taught, and the relevance of the content to students' lives. Educators must consider these social factors to ensure that the curriculum is inclusive, engaging, and meaningful to all students.

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Some factors influencing curriculum include educational goals and objectives, societal needs and values, student interests and abilities, available resources, and advancements in technology and pedagogy. Curriculum development is a dynamic process that must adapt to changing educational trends and meet the diverse needs of learners in a particular context. Collaboration among educators, administrators, parents, and community stakeholders is essential for creating a relevant and effective curriculum.

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Factors that influence curriculum planning include educational objectives, student needs and abilities, available resources, societal expectations, and educational trends. Other factors may include input from stakeholders such as teachers, parents, and community members, as well as government policies and regulations.

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Schools play a vital role in shaping curriculum by selecting, organizing, and delivering content to meet educational goals. Schools influence curriculum through decisions on what subjects to teach, how to allocate resources, and how to implement teaching strategies. The curriculum reflects the school's values, priorities, and educational aims, impacting the learning experiences of students.

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Some factors influencing curriculum development in Pakistan include government policies and regulations, societal needs and values, educational trends and research, teacher qualifications and training, and technology advancements. These factors play a significant role in determining the content, structure, and focus of the curriculum to meet the needs of students and prepare them for the future.

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A school cannot exist without a curriculum and curriculum is the heart of teaching. A strong belief or philosophy is needed for a curriculum to exist.

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A strong belief or philosophy can shape curriculum by influencing decisions about what content to include, how to approach teaching and learning, and what values to emphasize. It can guide the selection of materials, design of learning experiences, and assessment methods to align with the underlying belief system. Ultimately, it can have a profound impact on the overall educational experience of students.

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Society influences curriculum development because curriculum needs to be socially relevant. As society changes, curriculum changes in order to reflect those changes and make it relevant.

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