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The sun's heat is reflected by the ice and snow. It doesn't warm the earth. This is called the albedo effect.

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Q: How do the presence of snow and ice on Earth lead to further global cooling?
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How will Earth be in 2020?

If Global Warming and Global Cooling can be balanced correctly then the Earth should be a better place

What does global cooling do to the earth?

It cools it somewhat. Global cooling occurs after a volcanic eruption when clouds of dust remain in the sky for several days reflecting the sun's rays. This results in a cooling of the atmosphere.

What is the difference between global warming and global cooling?

Global warming is when the global average annual temperature is generally trending upward. Global cooling is when it is trending downward.A:Global warming is happening now. Global warming is not beyond the control of mankind. It is being caused by our dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which we are burning to produce electricity.

How is it that global warming is heating up the earth and melting the ice caps but the earth is also cooling down over time?

Melting Ice Caps in no way indicate a cooling Earth.

What is the possible result of global cooling?

There was a time in the 1970s when scientists though the earth might be approaching a global cooling period. This was quickly proved incorrect. But a possible result of global cooling would be more ice caps, larger glaciers, colder winters, cooler summers etc.

Do you have any ideas for earth hour campaign?

burn a bunch of leaves to stop global cooling

If global warming is happening then why is the earth cooling?

Global warming is happening and the earth is not cooling. It is warming. 2010 and 2005 tied as being the two hottest years on record, and the ten hottest years since 1800 have all been in the past fifteen years.

Is Kyoto a possible solution to global warming?

No because the Kyoto protocol assumes human beings are responsible for global warming. This is unlikely to be the case because the earth has gone through numerous cycles of warming and cooling going back long before human beings were a significant presence on this planet. Ever heard of the Ice Ages? There were several. Global warming and cooling are a function of solar activity and people can't control the sun.

What does global warming tell us about the earth?

It tells us the climate is not a static condition, but has cycles of warming and cooling, drought and excess precipitation.

What is global cooling?

There was a slight cooling around the middle of the 20th Century caused by the amount of pollution particles in the air. These were reflecting the sun's rays. When Clean Air Acts began to take effect around the world the air became cleaner and the cooling disappeared.

Is the sun cooling as the climate is warming?

Yes, it's true! Over the past few decades of global warming, the sun and the earth's temperature have been going in opposite directions. The sun has been cooling slightly.

What is the best term for the global cycles of cooling and warming that affect land and water distribution between solid Earth oceans atmosphere and organisms?

Dynamic forces