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This is common in group-think and mob mentality. When you have an accussed and a fair number of accusors by validating the majority you can be percieved as a fellow peer in the group. So if 10 people accuse Jane of being a witch, affirming that accusation makes you feel (legitimately or otherwise) as part of the 10 people's group. In addition you have a measure of power over the accused as being part of deciding their fate. For people on the fringe of an organization or social group this can be a tempting method of gaining status within the group by "helping" the group one is seeking membership\standing with. This same behavior can be seen in popular cop dramas where there is a circle of dirty cops and the initiate is required to murder someone to gain membership. Now lets make the initiate a weaker individual who wants to be part of the tough crowd of cops. He's willing to do anything to gain acceptance so while ruffing up a crook he joins in to show he's "one of the gang". Insecure people who need a feeling of belonging in smaller, tight-nit communities in those days would have siezed upon the trial as a way to show they were part of the social circle of the original accusors. The more influential the original accusors were the more likely the fringe elements would "tag along". "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" best sums up this behavior. The weak became the enemy of the accused in an effort to show they are a friend of the accusors...

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Q: How do the witch trials empower individuals who were previously powerless?
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In the crucible how do the witch trials empower individuals who were previously powerless?

One example would be Abagail Williams. Before the witch trials had happened she was just a normal teen in the small town. After it all went down she pretty much had the power of arresting and hangings. All she had to do was accuse someone and the elder believed them. Except for a few but she had the others so convinced no one believed the others and they were punished.

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How many favorable outcomes would be possible if the number of total possible outcomes is increased to 24?

The answer depends on what the trials are, what constitutes a favourable outcome, and how many possible outcomes there were previously. And since you have not bothered to provide these crucial bits of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer depends on what the trials are, what constitutes a favourable outcome, and how many possible outcomes there were previously. And since you have not bothered to provide these crucial bits of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer depends on what the trials are, what constitutes a favourable outcome, and how many possible outcomes there were previously. And since you have not bothered to provide these crucial bits of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer depends on what the trials are, what constitutes a favourable outcome, and how many possible outcomes there were previously. And since you have not bothered to provide these crucial bits of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

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