

How do tomatoes mold?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: How do tomatoes mold?
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What causes sliced tomatoes to mold?

Mold can potentially grow on anything that is moist or damp. Tomatoes, along with many types of foods, are mosit and the nurtients in the foods provides nutrients for the mold to feed off of.

What about white rot on green tomatoes?

It is called mold.

Why did my tomato sauce grow mold after canning?

Yes, it happens. When I first starter jarring my own tomatoes, I added a little garlic to the traditional salt and basil base. The jar molded in about a month. Keep in mind, that these tomatoes were not cooked.

Where can you find information as to why organic tomatoes mold before regular tomatoes?

try it has answers for everything

Can dried tomatoes with mold be eaten?

NO ! It is not advisable to eat anything that is molding !

On which foods does fungus grow best?

Bread mold grows incredibly fast. Strawberries and tomatoes are also easy to become moldy.

Could Tomatoes spoiled by moulds and bacteria?

No. If tomatoes are moldy, they cannot necessarily be salvaged by cooking. Some molds produce toxins that will not be destroyed by cooking. Since one wouldn't know which mold is growing, one should not risk using moldy tomatoes - or anything else that has unexpectedly grown some mold.

Is it possible to grow star shaped tomatoes?

Yes. You'll need a clear 3-dimensional mold that you'll place the growing tomato into. Eventually it will fill the mold, ripen, and then you'll remove the mold. There are some vegetable molds available commercially for various veggies and fruit.

Your home canned tomatoes in jars have a white film on them?

That sounds like mold. They might not have been processed properly.

Which will mold the fastest tomato or bread?

That would make an excellent science experiment!Place a tomato and a slice of bread in the same place and examine them each day to see which one does mold fastest. You might even have 2 tomatoes - one cut open and one whole.

What can one do with left over rotten tomatoes?

Rotten tomatoes can be used in a compost pile as well as being pressed to make a concentrated dye. You can cut away spoiled or rotten sections of the tomato and use the remaining pieces to make a tomato salad. Since split tomatoes will develop mold quickly you will want to wash them completely before cutting them up for human consumption.