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You use two fingers and stroke downward on the mouse pad to scroll down and to go up you stroke upward.

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Q: How do you Scroll a mac mouse on a PC?
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What is the difference between a PC mouse and a Mac?

PC mice commonly have physical scroll wheels and right click buttons. The new Magic Mouse for Mac has them, but they are touch sensitive, as is the entire mouse's surface.

How do you scroll down facebook on MAC with mouse?

how to scroll down on MAC with mouse

How do you scroll down in a mac?

You can scroll down by just using the mouse. If you have a scroll on your mouse, just push it backwards. The page will scroll down instantly.

Can you use a PC wireless mouse on Mac?

I would recommends the Wireless Mighty Mouse by Mac.

How do you install Warcraft 3 on Mac?

Log-in to your account management on the warcraft site and scroll to the bottom where it says download client, their is then a link for PC & MAC :)

What does the scroll on mouse do?

A scroll mouse is a mouse which includes a scroll wheel. The scroll wheel can be used to scroll up and down webpages or documents, and can also be clicked as a third button.

How do you use the knife in Battlefield 2 Bad Company on a PC?

you have to press the middle scroll button/wheel on the mouse

Is there a motherboard that use either mac or pc?

If you MAC is old then it uses a different motherboard than a PC. These days MAC also uses intel processors so in theory you can use the same motherboard as PC but there may be problems in adding the peripherals like MAC's keyboard and mouse to the PC motherboard and vice-versa. It all depends upon what you have got.

Why can't the wheel on your mouse scroll down?

If you have not clicked on the page you are trying to scroll on with the mouse or on the scroll bar its self then you won't be able to scroll on the page till you do.

How do you change the camera angle in star stable?

right click and drag your mouse on a PC, I don't know the mac version :/

How do you rotate your cars on need for speed underground 2 pc version?

hold the middle button down on this mouse ( the scroll ) then move the mouse around while it is held, and it should rotate the car in the garage

How do you make laptop mouse pad scroll pages theres a scroll thing but it doesnt work unless you click on the side scroll thing on the page?

If you have an external usb mouse, click in the wheel and slide your mouse up or down to scroll.