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I have had my period for 3 months now, and I still haven't mustered up the courage to tell my mom, so I understand. I would recommend finding her stash and borrowing some, or asking a friend, but ultimately I would tell my mom. I know that sounds hypocritical, but I really wish I had told my mom when it first started.

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11y ago

Explain to her that you have learnt what a period is... And then ask whether you can borrow one. If a pad is all you want, you can ask to borrow one from your friend or female releative.

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Q: How do you ask your mom for pads if she doesn't even know that you know what a period is?
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Can you run even if you have your period?

Yes, but wear tampons instead of pads.

When do you take puppy pads away?

i dont even know what that is :)

If you think you are years away from your period can you ask your mom for pads in case?

Even if you think your "years away" from having your first period it's always good to have a few spare pads around which you mum would probably have anyway. You can never know when your going to have your first one, but you should still ask :)

Do you use pads off your period?

You can use pads when you're not on your period, but there's little reason to do so - even if in preparation for a period, liners are a more comfortable option. It's not healthy to wear pads daily as it limits air-flow to the genitals so makes the genitals more favorable to bacteria and yeast growth.

When do women wear menstrual pads?

Women wear menstrual pads during menstruation, the purpose of these is to collect menstrual flow as it leaves the body in order to prevent it getting onto clothing. Some women will use pads before their period starts to be ready, and even when using tampons they still have to alternate with pads.

How do you sneak a pad to the bathroom at school without anyone seeing?

to sneak a pad into school it's best to tell your teacher first then they know you are on period keep your pads in the staff toilets so no-one will mess with them leave a notice on your pads saying these are _____'s pads please don't touch only teachers and others on period will go in the staff toilets so your pads will not be seen. hope this was useful.

Can you just use pads on your period?

Of course you can.

Do tampons soak up your period faster?

No, tampons don't soak up your period faster than pads, cups, or any other option. Tampons simply soak up the blood while they are inside your vagina, plus they absorb vaginal moisture too. Your period goes as fast as it is meant to, controlled by your hormones and how long it takes for the uterine lining to shed.

I have just had my first period at 10 and don't know how to ask my mum for some tampons and pads?

You simply say to her: "mom, I've started my period, can I get some pads please?".Tampons aren't recommended at your age due to higher risks of Toxic Shock Syndrome, and nor for your first few cycles as you won't know your flow well enough to know what absorbency to use to reduce your risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome. Use pads for now, and if you want to use internal options consider menstrual cups as these are far safer than tampons and will make your periods easier.

What to do if you have your period on the first day of school?

ask the nurse for pads or call your mom and tell her for pads or tampons.

What do you do when you have your first period at school?

If you have pads, use them. If not ask a friend for one or go to the school nurse. If you have period pains you could also ask the nurse for a pain reliever or even ask to go home.

Why girls wear pads?

There are only a few options for when a woman is on her period: tampon pads Instead (cup type thing) are the three I know about well. Tampons and cups (Instead) are both inserted into the vagina, and some women don't like doing that, so they rely upon pads. Also, when females are virgins they are smaller/tighter in that area and it can be uncomfortable to use a cup/tampon. Also, when the period is not as heavy of a flow then a pad is the best option. If a woman is too 'dry' and uses a tampon she can get 'toxic shock syndrome'. The cup is safe when the flow is low, but a pad is generally easier than a cup/tampon at the beginning and end of the period. Of course this might have been an even more basic question... women wear pads because they have what we call a 'period' which is a monthly 'menstrual cycle' where she bleeds from her vagina so as to renew the lining of her uterus.