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two words... DIAL SOAP! .... or proactiv

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Q: How do you avoid pimples?
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Why is it important to keep skin clean?

You can avoid getting Pimples and it keeps You healthier

How can one avoid getting scars from pimples?

To avoid getting scars from pimples, do not pop any that require excessive force or are not yet finished with the cycle. If a pimple has a clear whitehead and is ready to be popped, use a sterilized needle and clean it with alcohol afterward.

Should you get a fringe if you have pimples?

I recommend not to if the pimples are along the forehead, try to avoid having hair all over the face pulling it back actually helps it clear up . Also if you want to rid the pimples without to much effort teatree oil is a great help.

My friend who is 30 years of age is suffering with pimples on her face Which cream would best suit to get rid of her pimples?

One who faces increased number of pimples on face must avoid taking fatty foods. The best solution would be to use a skin care cream which does not contain much chemical substances in it.

How do you get rid of pimples in 4 months?

To get rid of pimples you need to follow good routine. Drink plenty of water in a day. Atleast 10 glasses are mandatory. Also, eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid junk food.

How can i avoid pimples?

you can go to a chemist and they will have heaps of face washes that help. Drink water, lots and lots of water helps heaps!

Is pimples a disease?

no it is not just wash you face really gently and avoid touch your face and try to keep your hair away from you face

What can one use other than shaving cream when using a blade to avoid pimples and bumps?

Use hair conditioner! I swear, it works!

Why are pimples called pimples?

Because you have to squeeZIT??

If you have normal to slightly oily skin how do you avoid pimples and their marks even after washing your face 2 to 3 times a day?

If you're young, pimples are connected not only to hygeine but to hormones as well. It's just a right of passage for adolescents that lessens over time. Keep your face clean and moisturized and avoid touching it with your hands, which are often contaminated with oils and greases.

Are you dirty when you have pimples?

Pimples are common during puberty, due to hormonal spurt. You do not look dirty, when you have pimples. Late teenagers go on thinking about the pimples only. Almost every body gets the pimples and that is certainly not a crime to have pimples. So do not go on touching the pimples and do not squeeze them. You look beautiful by smile of the face, even with pimples there on your face.

What are the ways to prevent pimples?

Avoid touching your face again and again. Clean your face every morning and every night before you go to bed.