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Yes, you need more food when exercising especially proteins If you're weight training proteins are essential for muscle building, and when you're exercising you're using your body's energy faster, so you need more food to refuel yourself.

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15y ago

Increased physical activity will burn more calories, whether that means you need to eat more is up to you. If you dont eat more you will loose weight (FAT) which is why you exercise in first place really.

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14y ago

I have found plenty of online calculators that can help with this, based on your age and weight, etc. They can recommend what your body needs and what you need to burn based on that. Hope that helps.

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9y ago

The more you stay active, the more you lose. If you eat potato chips and then exercise afterwards, then you will lose the calories you took in. However, if you don't do some kind of exercising after you eat them, then they will stay, and add up, which adds on fat.

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Q: How do you balance calorie intake with physical activity?
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Recommended calorie intake for a man?

A man your age should consume around 2,400 calories a day. This intake may vary depending on your physical activity and lifestyle. If you are athletic and do a good amount a physical activity everyday then your calorie intake should be higher than a man who watches TV all day.

What is the calorie intake for girls?

1200 - 1500 according to your needs or activity level of that day

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Regardless of your calorie intake you still need physical activity to remain healthy.

What are the Negative consequences of mismatching calorie intake with physical activity?

Im not exactly sure what you mean, but the forever standing equation of weight loss weight gain is : Calorie intake - Physical activity = weight loss or weight gain. The more calories you consume the more weight you will gain. one pound of fat equals 3500 calories. If your goal is to loose weight, you can figure out how many calories your body needs from a calorie counter website such as where you can record your weight and daily exercise and it will give you the amount of calories needed to loose weight, gain weight and/ or sustain your current weight. 75-80 % of weight loss is calorie intake and 20-25% is exercise.

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The fastest way to lose weight is lower your calorie intake to a very small number and increase physical activity. You can also try the Atkins diet.

Calulate "Your" Daily Calorie Intake?

The recommended daily calorie intake is different for men and women. In order to maintain a healthy weight, men should not consume more than 1,800 calorie a day. The number of allotted calories for women is slightly lower at 1,200 daily. The number of calories you eat daily determined how much you weigh. It is important to calculate your own personal calorie intake based on your weight, body type and physical activity level. If trying to lose weight, then the amount of calories consumed needs to be reduced. Your daily calorie intake should be increased if trying to gain weight.

What does caloric intake have to do with the amount of physical activity one participates in?

Caloric intake has a lot to do with the amount of physical activity a person participates in. If someone has a high caloric intake but they don't exercise or move a lot, they will gain weight.

How does the energy balance equation work in nutrition?

"State in which energy intake, in the form of food and/or alcohol, matches the energy expended, primarily through basal metabolism and physical activity".

Do everyones calorie needs differ?

Yes. Calorie intake depends on a lot of things, like height and weight, age, activity level, frame size, etc.

What uses of about one third of your energy intake?

Physical activity (b)

What is calorie intake for sedentary person?

The recommended calorie intake varies a little based on age, gender, height, weight, activity level, body type, and a few other factors. On average, they should be eating about 1,200 to 1,400 calories a day.

Calorie intake for 46 year old woman?

Calorie intake mostly depends on the activity level, height and lean body mass. Without these it will not be accurate. After getting this you can use Harris-Benedict Formula or Katch-McArdle Formula to calculate your calories.