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It may be a pain to go through this and it may even drain you too, but cater to her EVERY need. This is an extremely emotional time in your wife's life. Her body is changing drastically! I recommend you also read a bit on the pregnancy and at least 'act' interested in knowing whats going on with her body. One of the most important things is LISTEN. Men tend to forget that women are creatures who need to be heard. If she is going through morning sickness and ask you to bring her saltines, just bring the saltines. Do not say a word else. She may be so sensitive and emotional that she may get upset with you for even speaking! But understand-these are hormones. If she is not nauseated then cuddle with her and show her love. Try running a bath for her with rose petals, candle lit dinner, and (do this often because it helps with labor and heartburn) a walk while watching the sunset after dinner. Bring flowers every now and then, and do not complain to her. She can take it to heart and seriously get depressed. You may not think that saying, "hey hun,myou look beautiful today" would be uplifting, but it could go in the back of her mind that she is not beautiful or even attractive to you every other day. The emotions and raging hormones are only a big deal in the begining and end of pregnancy, but also it can last a year after the baby is born! This may seem like a heavy load, but it is well worth it. This will build such a strong bond with your wife. Try to be there for your wife at all times (in marital vows). Pregnancy passes in a second and kids are gone in an hour, but your wife will be with you for a lifetime

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