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Modifiers are adjectives, adverbs and phrases that modify(give more detail to) a sentence.

The important thing to remember about beginning a sentence with one, is to make sure you don't leave the modifier dangling. Modifiers are meant to be associated with the noun they describe; a misplaced modifier can change the entire meaning of the sentence.

An example of doing it wrong:

  • Being shallow, I only had room in the dish for half a bowl of soup.

The problem here is that you're not calling the dishshallow; you're calling yourself that. Here's an example of a sentence-beginning modifier that improves the message instead of garbling it:

  • Storm-tossed waves made Surfing difficult.
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Q: How do you begin a sentence with a modifier?
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A dangling modifier is a phrase or a word that modifies a word in a sentence that is not clearly stated. It is a modifier with nothing to modify.

What is a sentence modifier?

it is when a sentence is changed from its originalsentence.

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An example of a disruptive modifier would be "completely" in the sentence: "She completely destroyed the cake." The modifier "completely" disrupts the overall meaning of the sentence by emphasizing the extent of the destruction.

What is the modifier in He spoke sharply to his sister?

Yes, the modifier is used correctly. "He spoke sharply to his sister" would be the correct way to write the sentence.

Which part of the sentence is the nonrestrictive modifier?

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A dangling modifier is a modifying word or phrase which does not clearly modify a word or phrase in a sentence.