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Normally you just run your cylinders (loader,steer ect) through their range of movement. The amount of air left in them is minimal. Are you sure there is not a leak in the pickup tube or suction hose that is bringing air into the system. I have had only some experience with hydraulics, so I am a novas myself

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Q: How do you bleed air from a tractor hydraulic system?
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It probably has a hydraulic clutch so you will have to bleed the air out of it.

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It is a hydraulic clutch. No adjustment. Can bleed air out of the system to get it working again. If you need info on that I will supply it as soon as you ask again that you want to know how to bleed the clutch on an escort zx2

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Both are hydraulic. Often when you disconnect one hydraulic device you bleed air into the system... You might need to cap off the front end loader hydraulic connectors, bleed the air out and refill with hydraulic fluid. Another possibility is that you are simply low on fluid. Yet another, less loved cause, is a stuck priority diverter valve - that prioritizes hydraulic pressure when both devices are attached. Finally, not knowing your particular model - the possibility does exist that there is no diverter and that it runs off the same hydraulic line as the loader - in that case, the fix would be just to connect a line to the front end loader inlet, then connect the other line to the outlet (tractor side connections, clearly not the loader itself). Hope this helps.

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Crank tractor set tractor throttle at 1500 rpm turn steering wheel all the way to the right hold it for about 10 seconds then turn it to the left and hold it for about 10 seconds repeat several times and the air should be gone

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