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There is no way to "make" the puppies look more or less like either parent - only genetics can decide what the puppies will look like. It can take at least several weeks for puppies to develop their characteristics and personality. In the cases of cross-breeds, there really is no way of knowing. Some pups may look more like their mother, some will take after the father more, or they may be a complete mix of the two.

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Choose a desirable dog trait (physical or behavioral). How would you breed dogs to enhance that trait?

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Q: How do you breed dogs to enhance the physical traits?
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How would you breed dogs to enhance that trait?

A type of selective breeding called purebred breeding. Find the superior traits in a breed then pass it on the next generation. By pairing the best together for a lineage that preserves those traits.

What characteristics are you trying to breed into dogs?

it depends what traits you want the dogs to have or what you want to use them for

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The inbreeding of two related dogs of any breed could result in puppies that are not healthy, emphasizing any negative genetic traits.

Can a Doberman breed with a rottweiler?

The answer is yes, all dog in fact c an interbreed, however its the out come of what your mixing would be your result. Remember dogs have temperaments and mixing both dogs will cause them to exhibit similar traits or none of the above traits. Mixing dogs can be negative towards the standard of the breed while mix dogs are like any other dog they are happy if trained and cared for well. so consider what you really want to do and plan ahead.

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The common name would be 'selective breeding'.

Are pure breed dogs smarter than mixed breed dogs?

No, not necessarily true, but mixed breed dogs do live longer than pure bred dogs

How is it harmful to breed two runts?

YES! A runt is more susceptible to so many different health issues, and breeding runts, even if you are just trying to create very small dogs is creating more and more sick dogs. Not to mention that you are breeding for traits that are NOT part of the breed standard.

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Pomeranian husky breeds are mix breed dogs. They are not pure bred. This mixed breed of Pomeranian huskies are a breed of hypoallergenic dogs. Another name for this breed of dogs is pomsky.

Can you breed dogs with jackals?

Yes, they breed dogs with wolves so it's a possibility

What are some physical traits of dogs?

Brown,runs,catches stuff.Humans can also keep them in there house as a pet.they can be fun and sometimes trouble too

If there are different breeds of dogs and these ultimately derive from foxes then why aren't there different breeds of foxes?

AnswerIt is generally surmised that dogs were derived from wolves, not foxes. There aren't different breeds of foxes because a breed is a man-made thing. Breeds are created by human tampering to enhance or diminish certain traits within a group of dogs, cats, horses, etc.There are different types (species?) of fox, such as the arctic fox, bat-eared fox, red fox, etc.

how much do l feed my dog?

Toy Breed Dogs. Small breed dogs such as toy poodles, Yorkshire terriers and Chihuahuas typically weigh less than 10... Miniature and Small Breed Dogs. Miniature poodles, miniature pinschers and other small breed dogs like Scottish terriers... Medium Breed Dogs. Medium breed dogs are those breeds which weigh an average of 25 pounds