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An array name is a pointer, so using arrays as pointers in function calls is implicit. An example is...

char a[] = "This is the source";

char b[sizeof(a)];

strcpy (b, a);

This is exactly the same1 as saying...

char a[] = "This is the source";

char b[sizeof(a)];

strcpy (&b[0], &a[0]);

... or ...

char* ap = "This is the source";

char* bp = malloc(strlen (ap)+1);

if (bp == NULL) { ... handle memory exception ... }

strcpy (bp, ap);


1However, while a and ap have the same value in these examples, they are not really the same. You can assign a new value to ap, but not to a, because a is an r-value that is not allocated a place in memory, as opposed to ap, which is a l-value. To reinforce this, both *ap and a[0] are l-values, meaning the same thing, but not quite so for ap and a. Be careful - they both have the same value, but ap is an assignable l-value, while a is a un-assignable r-value.

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