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This is a tropical plant. It loves heat and humidity and good houseplant soil. Treat it a lot like any houseplant. Bright indirect light with a little morning sun would be good in the house. It loves to be outside all possible on your porch during summer. Mine really does not care much for central heating inside, but it will tolerate it and if you keep an even temperature between 60-80 it will be happier. Evenly moist, but not too wet standing in water or the roots will rot. If you live in tropical South Florida for instance it will grow outside in your yard like most any shrub, but if you get frost in your area it will kill it dead. I love croton, but you do have to bring them in from the cold of winter. They will suddenly loose all their leaves if you leave them out too long and anything below about 45 degrees is a no no. They are related to Poinsettia so the sap in the leaves is somewhat irritating. It has never bothered me because I don't get it on me. Use gloves if you are easily allergic. I think this is overblown about poison because I have them and cats, dogs and children around has not bothered anyone at all. Now if you went up and ate the leaves or picked the leaves and rubbed the sap on your skin you might find irritation. That is something I do no wish to do. Looking at the beautiful colors of the leaves is thrilling! It reminds me of a tropical rain forest of it's native Indonesia. Lush colorful leaves. Vibrant colors in some varieties. If you don't like one variety look for another. There are broad leafed, long and narrow leafed, oak shaped leaves and so on. Lots to choose from and colors.

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