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take the radiator hose off from front of the motor and right under there you will see the thromostat. remove the old one and put in the new one . then put the hose back on tight because you do not want it to leak. after all that turn your car on and the heat on leave it go for five minutes and your thermostat will be complete MORE INFO: After you remove the upper radiator hose from the top of the engine block, you will see 2 hex bolts. Remove them the remove the cover. The cover is glued on with gasket sealer so it doesn't come off easily. If you don't drain down some of the coolant first, a small gush of coolant may come out when you remove the thermostat cap. The old thermostat will be sitting right there when you remove the cover and it just lifts out. Clean both surfaces to remove the old gasket and any sealer. It is very important that you put the new thermostat in properly so make sure you know which way it goes in or it will not work and your car will overheat. Go to an auto parts store and buy a tube of BLUE RTV. Coat each surface and let skim for 10-15 minutes. Make sure the thermostat is seated properly then replace the cover and put in the bolts. They need to be tight, but not too tight as it is easy to break an ear off the cover. Install the hose and top off the fluids. Start the car and let it idle with the radiator cap off. Watch until you see a flow but be patient as it may take up to 15 minutes when it is colder outside. Once you see the flow, the level in the radiator will drop dramatically. Let it stabilize for a few minutes and slowly top off the coolant until it reaches a steady level of about an inch below the neck then install the radiator cap. Just as a note, anti-freeze is deadly to pets and wildlife so watch out where the stuff goes. vbdenny

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