

Best Answer

Cillit Bang, It work's realy well. Just leave it sat for 15 minutes

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Q: How do you clean urine stain from slate floor?
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Can you use bleach water to clean animal urine off the floor?

no you cant it will stain your carpet

How do you get a urine stain of cloth couch?

well how would you get a urine stain on the couch anyway oh yeah you clean it that's how you get rid of it clean it :):)

Is there a mixture using hydrogen peroxide to clean dark urine stains on a hardwood floor?

There is no mixture using hydrogen peroxide to clean dark urine stains on a hardwood floor. However, you can dip a rag into hydrogen peroxide and allow it to sit on the stain for about 10 minutes.

How do you clean urine stain on suede sofa?

i think the better question is, how did you get urine on your sofa??? lol!

How do I remove cat urine stain from an oak floor?

Cat urine stains will generally make the oak floor a darker color than the surrounding floor. To remove the stain, soak up any remaining urine if it is still fresh. Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and gently dab on the stain. Let dry and repeat until the stain is gone and the floor restored to original color.

What is the best way to clean cat urine out of carpet?

Do your best and then bleach the stain if your carpet is white.

How do you get child urine out of sofa?

Steam clean. The urine is sterile so there shouldn't be any health hazard, but steam cleaning should remove the unsightly stain.

How do you clean a urine-soaked couch?

Clean the couch with a mixture of vinegar and Pine Sol. That should remove the smell and the stain. D-Molish Now also does a great job of removing the smell and the soaked urine.

How do you clean dog urine stains from black top driveways?

There is no way to get urine stains out of black top driveways. On concrete, bleach can be used, but the stain is never permanently gone.

How do you clean dog urine off a slate floor?

First dry up any remaining liquid. Using a disinfectant cleaner, scrub and mop the area. Finally, mix white vinegar and water in a bucket and mop again. This should remove any remaining soap and odor.

How do you clean a rabbit urine stain off of hardwood floors?

Try 5 different types of bleach and a lot of elbow grease. It worked for me.

Does caffeine clean THC out of urine?

It does not clean out urine.