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First you really need to ask them if they could afford it. Before you do, do some research of how much boarding/feed costs around our area. Add it up to a monthly cost, and show everything to your parents and ask if they can afford it. Also add up the cost of deworming, shots, ferrier, grooming supplies, vet, insurance, and all that. Also add the cost of tack, if you plan on using it.

If they say they can't, just wait until you are 15 or 16 so that you can get a job to help pay for the horse. Ask them then, and if they say yes, good for you!

I want my very own horse too, just 2 more years until I can get a job to help my parents pay for it. :) Best of luck!

You could tell your parents that horse riding is the most rewarding hobby and wouldn't they rather you be out in the fresh air looking after somethin than sittin around watchin tv or goin out and gettin into trouble?

Try asking for riding lessons first. This way you will get time with horses and learn about all the responsibilities and work with caring for a horse. Also lessons probably won't be as expensive. After you become an experienced rider and learn more about horses (there is so much to learn) Your parents might recognise your love for horses. You are much more likely to find the right horse for you when they decide to let you have one. It is not a good idea to buy a horse until you know what you are doing. You can get hurt and may do something to hurt your horse. Also once you become a good rider, you will often find there are people who have horses they don't ride as often as they should, many times you will find that they will make arrangements for someone to ride their horse and sometimes even pay you to ride!

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12y ago
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12y ago

How....well....first you need to have the space for the horse, then ask your mom nicely to buy you a horse because you love them and always wanted one, then if she say no, say that you will take good care of the horse, feed him, bath him and everything, if she still says no ask her why not, then when she answers...well if she answer because she oesn't have money then tell her ok and wait until she HAS the money...if she says she doesn't like the horse you can ask her why not and tell her that they are nice,friendly, and best of all, they protect you, if she still says no then say: "Mommy I'm so sorry if I ever made you sad or worried but I really want to have a horse! Please mommy I'm wil ldo anyhting for you and still keep the horse safe!!" if she still says no...then you just leave her alone....but I think that she will fall for the last thing.

NOTE: When you ask her DON'T FORGET TO SAY PLEASE!!!


well, myy wayy is nawtt to b all sweett, cuz myy mom nvr falls for itt. sayinn mommyy wuldntt workk wit yer dad, no wuld it?? okayy so heree r 10 reasonns to get a horsee:

1) theyy r loyal and carinn

2) theyy will get u excersised n outta the housee moree

3) theyy will teachh yu responsabilityy

4) theyy will teachh youu how to takee care of somethinn completelyy dependentt on yu

5) payinn for onee will teachh yu the "value of dollar."

6) yu will b alott happier and aim for goals in lifee

7) promiseee to get reallyy good grades in skool (if yer in skool)

8) horses dontt judgee yu

9) figurinn expenses will help yu wit mathh skills

10) yu will get a job to payy for the horsee whichh will teachh yu thatt yu ha to pull yr ownn weightt in lyfee

hopee thatt helps :P

im 13 n cntt get a job til im 14 so i toldd my mom somee of thesee n she saidd if i paid for a horsee thenn i culd get onee. i jus had to usee myy moneyy.

OH OH n onee moree thinggyy ;]]

tell yer mom or dad or w/e thatt will turnn emo n gothh if yu dontt get whatt yu wantt in othr words, throw a temper tantrummmmm ;]] but thatt dontt get yu anyweree so nvmmmmmm

-xostephaniee xox

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13y ago

First, you should realize that owning a horse is not only fun; it can also be dirty, frustrating work. In addition, horse ownership is a lot more difficult (but not impossible) if you live in a town rather than a rural area.

Now, ask your parents the question. Lucky, lucky you if they say yes! However, if they start with the 'yes, but...' thing, you will have to convince them. Tell them how you want to finance your horse. If you are going to pay for it yourself, that's great! In addition, be sure to tell them that you will still excel and follow up with your schoolwork after you get your horse.

Last, show your folks that you can handle the responsibility of keeping a horse and riding safely.

For more information about how to convince your parents, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Links.

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