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You can cook things like fish with a citric acid like lemon juice or lime juice. You can also cook meats in a smoker or dry it in the sun if you know how for safety. I also know of some people, my husband included, cooking meat on the engine blocks of loaders or other heavy equipment for lunch. You can also cook meat by skewering it on a stick and holding over a fire till desired doneness as well as using a frying pan on your stovetop.

Additional Information:

Just about any meat or fish can be boiled, pan fried or braised. Any of these methods can be done with a heavy pot, pan or skillet over an open fire.

Large pieces of meat, such as a whole or half pig, can be cooked in a large hole dug in the ground that is then lined with bricks, stones or fragrant leaves or herbs. The meat should be covered completely with leaves or stones - or aluminum foil if available. Then a fire should be built on top of the meat, which is left to roast for several hours.

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Cook it in a frying pan.

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With a skillet

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