

How do you counsel a child whose both parents died?

Updated: 3/30/2020
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8y ago

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You should seek the help of a professional.

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Q: How do you counsel a child whose both parents died?
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There is no difference. "Love child" is a euphemism for "bastard". They both mean someone whose parents are not married to each other.

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An orphan is a child who has lost both parents.

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A child with both parents dead

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If a child's parents are both sent to prison, normally the child would be adopted by some other relative, and if there are no suitable relatives available, the child would become a ward of the state, and would be raised by a child welfare agency, at least until one or both parents are released from jail (and perhaps, even when released from jail, these parents may be deemed unfit to raise their child).

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In order for your child to have insurance coverage, your child would need to be listed as a covered person on the policy, and a premium would need to have been collected for the child. Even if both parents are insured, if your child isn't on the policy and has not been considered as a portion of the premium, then there is no coverage.

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The female since she's having the baby.

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A person whose parents are both dead is called an orphan - but it usually only applies to a child. I'm 57 and both my parents are dead, but no-one would say I'm an orphan.

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No. If both parents are type O, the child will be O. If both are A, the child can be either A or O. If both are B, the child can be either B or O. If both are AB, the child can be A, B, or AB (but not O).

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In my state (Georgia) when a child is 14 and both parents are in a position to care for the child then the child can choose which parent he/she wants to live with. The judge will of course have the final say so, but the child's wishes are greatly considered.

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Your parents broke up what do you do to make it better?

One of the hardest experiences a child must endure is the breakup of their parents. A child should or teenager should always try to remember that both parents love them but sometimes showing that love can be difficult and if one or both of those parents don't love themselves then showing their children love will be even harder. It is always hard to keep a positive attitude when for a child whose parents have broken up but keeping that positive attitude about life and both parents regardless of what the parents do is important in order to get through the pain of a broken family.