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As you know round bales left out in the winter loses 50% of the nutrients. You could cover the hay horse feeder with a large tarp tying it all around the top with string(in the holes of the tarp). Another thing you have to think about tho is water collecting on the tarp,try to get it has tight as you can,or if you have a open pole barn you could just put the round hay rack in on end of the barn and replace when needed.

the haycrib system seems to be the best way to keep hay in feeder dry and out of the snow and rain it easly straps on any round bale feeder on the market shedds rain and snow and weighs under 70 lbs it can be left on the feeder and tipped over with feeder .......tough as nails

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Q: How do you cover your round bale horse feeder?
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Can you throw a bale of hay over the fence to feed cows?

It's better not to. When you have a small square bale or any kind of bale, it's best to take the strings off and throw the hay in in a feed trough or bunk or bale feeder instead of throwing a bale hither-thither in the pen. You get more waste when it's thrown on the ground for them than if it's in a feeder.

How long does it take a horse to eat a round bale?

There is no one answer to that question. It's dependant on too many things, such as the season and weather temperature, the size and eating habits of your horse, as well as how much other grazing or food he or she is getting and if they have unlimited, 24-hour access to the round bale, (which is not recommended) Generally, (and this can vary quite drastically) one round bale of hay will last an average sized horse 5 - 6 weeks. Two horses - about a month or so, Three horses - about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks, etc. *This is assuming that the round bale does not get ruined by rain and the horses urinating and defacating on it, etc.

How do you decorate a round hay bale?

There are many ways one can decorate a round bale of hay. During the Halloween season, the bale can be painted orange and a face painted on the end of the bale.

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That really depends on the size and weight of the bale, as well as the depth of the cover. One large round bale of hay can be unrolled for at least 20 or 30 yards with a depth of 8 inches, where as a small square will only cover 5 square feet of area if all the flakes were put together in a square or rectangle.

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5'x6' round bale weighs 1100lbs

What is a container for cattle food called?

A manger, a trough, a feed bunk, bale feeder, etc.

What is the cost of a horse drawn mower?

A bale of hay for the horse perhaps.

How many square bales are in a round bale?

q 4'x6' round bale makes 25 bales a 5'x6' makes 30 bales

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How much does a bale of rice straw weigh?

It depends on well it is packed and whether it's in the form of a large round bale, a small square bale or a large square bale. As such the question is quite impossible to answer.

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Here in Wisconsin it is going for around $35 a bale.

How much does a round bale of cotton weigh?

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