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If you have a photo editing program on your computer, it should have an option to "grayscale" a picture. Look in the help file of the program for the word grayscale.

That will convert a color photo into black and white (with various shades of gray -- called "grayscale").

If by "black and white with color", you mean mostly grayscale and some parts colored, there are a few variations.

One is sometimes called "selective colorization." That's where some of the color of the original color photo is preserved and the rest is black and white. The capabilities of image editors vary, but the page at the related link provided below describes how to achieve selective colorization using "gimp" (Graphical Image Manipulation Program) -- available for free through the web. The concepts described should be applicable to other reasonably sophisticated image editors as well.

Another way to make black and white images with some color is by, essentially, coloring over a black and white image by hand using your computer. A related page (link provided below) describes how to achieve that in gimp. Other sophisticated image editors should be able to do the same in a generally similar manner.

If you do not have a computer, you could hand-colour your black and white photograph using appropriate paint and brushes.

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14y ago
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14y ago

You can either hand-color them or soak them in toner, depending on the effect you're trying to get. If you are talking about digital images, or prints that you can scan as high quality digital images, then you can do some spectacular things with products like PhotoShop Elements.

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15y ago

In film Photography, you need to print them on black and white paper. In digital photography, if you're using Photoshop there's a handy "Grayscale" command that will do it automatically. A lot of Photoshop pros like the "Calculations" command to allow the operator to adjust the contrast.

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13y ago

try to isolate that color with color range, Select-Color Range then press on Adjustments panel-Black and white if you are using cs4/cs5 this will add mask, then invert mask if necessary from mask-invert.generally you have to select that color, convert to black/white and add mask

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13y ago

You might be talking about a process called "selective color." It's when you have a digital color photo.

Using a photo editing program make the photo black and white. After this is done you would go through the steps in your photo editing software to "color" meaning using your mouse go over areas that should bring back the original color of your photo i.e. lips, eyes, flowers etc.

There is a tutorial for the software Photoshop and Corel Paint.

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11y ago

It is certainly possible to add color to a black and white photograph; when this is done for black and white movies it is called colorizing. Of course, we would only be approximating the actual color of what was originally photographed. Generally, it is possible to make reasonable guesses. But the original color is not somehow stored in the black and white photo.

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15y ago

That depends on how the picture was originally taken, and if it's film or digital.

If digital, and you took it originally in a B&W format, you cannot get the colour back. ( I think the same goes for film as well) However, if you changed it to B&W after taking it in colour, there's one way I know of to put colour back. For instance, in Photoshop, you would have the original colour photo on one layer and the B&W version of the photo in a second layer above it. By erasing certain parts int he B&W layer, it exposes the colour from the original photo beneath it.

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15y ago

Fair warning: you need to be REALLY good at masking images to pull this off. I just tried this and it worked, and (assuming you can build good masks) it's pretty simple. 1. Get the file you're going to do this to into your computer any way you can, and duplicate it in the Finder. I did it to a picture of a tactical air conditioner my company wrapped, so I named my two files "Tactical AC bw.tif" and "Tactical AC color.tif". 2. Open the "Tactical AC bw.tif" file and make two conversions: first to grayscale, then to CMYK--or RGB if this is for the internet. You'll be left with a black & white picture that's got density in all four channels. If you haven't printed one of these on press, do so--they look great. 3. Open the "Tactical AC color.tif" file and then open your Layers palette. The file contains one layer--the Background. Double click on the layer's entry in the palette, and you'll get a request to rename the file. Don't worry about what name it has--default is Layer 0 and that's okay. Use your masking tools to select the item that will be color in the final piece--in my case, I chose the air conditioner. Then feather the selection maybe five pixels (it doesn't take much), invert the selection and delete the background. The color item will have a soft edge, which makes this look more natural. 4. Make the "Tactical AC bw.tif" file active. Select All and copy. Make the "Tactical AC color.tif" file active and paste. In the Layers palette, you should have a Layer 0 containing the color thing, and a Layer 1 containing the B&W image. Drag Layer 1 below Layer 0, and the color item will move to the top so you can see it. Zoom in close to make sure it's okay, then save the file and you're done.

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14y ago

If you havea photo editing tools like photoshop you can mark the area witch you want to get black and white and choose options from gradient maps or just discolor it.

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Q: How to make a black and white photo with color using a computer?
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