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If you are using an antiperspirant and still have excess sweat under the arms than you should try a stronger formula. Many brands, such as degree and secret offer strong antiperspirant formulas called "clinical". If the problem persists you should tralk to your doctor about it. There are prescription medications that are designed to reduce excessive perspiration.

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Q: How do you decrease sweat in your armpits if you already wear antiperspirant deodorant?
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What if Degree deodorant don't work for my armpits?

Try ARRID antiperspirant deodorant.

How does deodorant keep you from sweating?

Deodorant just gets rid of any bad smells, but antiperspirant will stop you from sweating. Check to see if yours is antiperspirant or just plain deodorant. Also, be sure to wash your armpits thoroughly in the shower! Good luck!

Why do your armpits get wet after you apply deodorant?

Because deodorant is a liquid.

What is the difference between a perfume and a deodorant?

Deodorant is targeted to stops your underarms from smelling, whereas perfume adds to your overall scent. Antiperspirant is designed to stop you from sweating and smelling from the sweat and may contain some deodorant as well.

Does too much antiperspirant make shaving your armpits harder?

Nope !(:

Does deodorant make your armpits dark?


How do you get smelly armpits?

by working out & sweating and not putting on deodorant

Why do you sniff armpits?

To evaluate the effectiveness of deodorant and antiperspirants.

What does deodorant do?

Deodorant is spread into the armpit to help mask the smell of sweat. They do not cause your armpits to sweat less, though. Antiperspirants plug the sweat glands up in your armpits so that you do sweat less. Most antiperspirants also have a deodorant in them as well, to not only help you to sweat less, but reduce any odor caused by the sweat in your armpits.

How can you remove the under arm smells?

wash your armpits and put deodorant on.

How do you avoid stinky armpits?

Use a deodorant/antipersperiant. It can reduce underarm wetness and/or mask the smell of stinky armpits with a scent of your choice.

Have several red bumps in armpit Itch a little hurt a lot Do not shave armpits male and use Tom's natural deodorant not anti-perspirant?

I actually just purchased Tom's natural deodorant as well.. I have red bumps in my armpits and a little down my arm. It must be something in the deodorant.