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There are several commands that can be used to display running processes in Linux:

top - probably the best choice in most situations

PS - very basic. list may be too long on modern systems.

ksysguard - graphical. Found in most KDE desktops.

gnome-system-monitor - graphical. Found in most GNOME desktops.

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Q: How do you display processes in Linux?
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Type top in a terminal to display Linux processes, which includes PID.

What two commands will display the status of processes on a Linux system?

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What command is used to obtain a list of currently running processes in Linux?

PS would be the simplest and fastest way. top will display processes, along with memory and CPU usage, so it is more useful in identifying runaway programs.

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The df command displays drive capacities. The free command will show memory usage. The top command will show the system load of various processes.

How can you tell what's running in background?

You can check what processes are running in the background by using system monitoring tools like Task Manager (Windows), Activity Monitor (Mac), or htop (Linux). These tools display a list of active processes, including both foreground and background tasks. Additionally, you can check for background processes in your system's settings or using command-line tools such as top or ps.