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struct dimension


static const size_t size;

double dimension_0;

double dimension_1;

double& operator[](size_t dim){ return( dim?dimension_1:dimension_0 ); }






const size_t dimension::size=2;

struct particle


dimension m_position;

double m_fitness;

dimension m_velocity;

dimension m_best_position;

double m_best_fitness;


dimension position,

double fitness,

dimension velocity,

dimension best_position,

double best_fitness):








static double objective_function(dimension x)


return( 3.0 + (x[0] * x[0]) + (x[1] * x[1]) );


int main()



std::cout<<"\nBegin Particle Swarm Optimization demonstration\n"<

std::cout<<"\nObjective function to minimize has dimension = 2"<

std::cout<<"Objective function is f(x) = 3 + (x0^2 + x1^2)"<

const size_t numberParticles = 10;

size_t numberIterations = 1000;

size_t iteration = 0;

double minX = -100.0;

double maxX = 100.0;

std::cout<<"Range for all x values is "<

for(i=0; i


dimension randomPosition;

dimension randomVelocity;

for(j=0; j


double lo = minX;

double hi = maxX;

randomPosition[j]=(hi - lo) * rand() + lo;

lo = -1.0 * std::abs(maxX - minX);

hi = std::abs(maxX - minX);

randomVelocity[j]=(hi - lo) * rand() + lo;


//double fitness = SphereFunction(randomPosition); // smaller values are better

//double fitness = GP(randomPosition); // smaller values are better

double fitness = objective_function(randomPosition);

swarm.push_back( new particle(randomPosition, fitness, randomVelocity, randomPosition, fitness));

// does current Particle have global best position/solution?

if( swarm[i]->m_fitness < bestGlobalFitness)


bestGlobalFitness = swarm[i]->m_fitness;

bestGlobalPosition = swarm[i]->m_position;



std::cout<<"\nInitialization complete"<


std::cout<<"Initial best fitness = "<

std::cout<<"Best initial position/solution:"<

for(i=0; i


double w = 0.729; // inertia weight. see

double c1 = 1.49445; // cognitive/local weight

double c2 = 1.49445; // social/global weight

double r1, r2; // cognitive and social randomizations

std::cout<<"\nEntering main PSO processing loop"<



dimension newVelocity;

dimension newPosition;

double newFitness;

for(i=0; i


particle& currP(*swarm[i]);

for(j=0; j


r1 = rand();

r2 = rand();

newVelocity[j] = (w * currP.m_velocity[j]) +

(c1 * r1 * (currP.m_best_position[j] - currP.m_position[j])) +

(c2 * r2 * (bestGlobalPosition[j] - currP.m_position[j]));

if (newVelocity[j] < minV)

newVelocity[j] = minV;

else if (newVelocity[j] > maxV)

newVelocity[j] = maxV;



for(j=0; j


newPosition[j] = currP.m_position[j] + newVelocity[j];

if (newPosition[j] < minX)

newPosition[j] = minX;

else if (newPosition[j] > maxX)

newPosition[j] = maxX;


currP.m_position = newPosition;

newFitness = objective_function(newPosition);

currP.m_fitness = newFitness;

if(newFitness < currP.m_best_fitness)


currP.m_best_position = newPosition;

currP.m_best_fitness = newFitness;


if (newFitness < bestGlobalFitness)


bestGlobalPosition = newPosition;

bestGlobalFitness = newFitness;




std::cout<<"\nProcessing complete"<


std::cout<<"Final best fitness = "<

std::cout<<"Best position/solution:"<

for(i=0; i






std::cout<<"\nEnd PSO demonstration\n"<



Begin Particle Swarm Optimization demonstration

Objective function to minimize has dimension = 2

Objective function is f(x) = 3 + (x0^2 + x1^2)

Range for all x values is -100 <= x <= 100

Number iterations = 1000

Number particles in swarm = 10

Initializing swarm with random positions/solutions

Initialization complete

Initial best fitness = 3917271700003.0000

Best initial position/solution:

x0 = 1423700.0000

x1 = 1374900.0000

Entering main PSO processing loop

Processing complete

Final best fitness = 3.0000

Best position/solution:

x0 = 0.0000

x1 = 0.0000

End PSO demonstration

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