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How do you fight back if you have a wrongful garnishment, you have not been served and your employer has paid your money over to the court?

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Q: How do you fight back if you have a wrongful garnishment and now they have gotten over payment too?
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I don't think you can fight it just because you have 7 children. But there is only a percentage that garnishment can take weekly. It goes by your income each week,two weeks or monthly check. Call the courthouse and tell them you need to find out how much of a percentage inyour state can be taken out.

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A garnishment is usually due to a court judgment obtained by the creditor. This is a court backed action, you can't just remove it and you certainly can't remove it fast. You can go to court to fight the judgment but this takes time. This also takes time and money and requires that you have a valid reason to fight the garnishment (such as the income being retirement income, the debt being invalid etc). Further complicating things is the fact that a garnishment means the creditor tried many avenues over a long period of time to collect with no results. The court was then used to force payment, so it has gone as far as it possibly could and ended in a legal rememdy. It is much harder to find a resolution you will like at this point. Your best option is to contact the creditor for options. You could also change jobs and wait for them to find you again.

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go threw the eeoc i did and won the federal government dont recognize at will laws employers still has rules Michigan's Strongest defenders of working people and their rights.And the Employee can get information about the fight a wrongful discharge through Employment Law attorneys(google serach).

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once when he was 5; with his cousin. I think so It is just my opinion.