

How do you kill a shark?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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10y ago

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The answer to this depends on your own circumstances.

If you're out of the water (in a boat, on a pier, etc.) you can use a projectile weapon such as a gun or harpoon, or even an electrical weapon such as a taser.

If you're fishing, reeling the shark in and keeping it out of the water will kill it in a matter of minutes.

If you're in the water, your options are far more limited, as this is the shark's home territory. You'd need a projectile or electrical weapon capable of operating underwater, as it's unlikely you'd be able to kick or punch the shark hard enough to deter its attack, much less kill it.

I have known several fishermen who carry pistols on their boats to shoot dolphins and sharks. If you are in the water as a swimmer, keep calm and slowly swim toward shore, calling for help if possible. As divers we are trained to go deeper if a shark should be heading your way and allow the animal to pass. Spear fishers know to leave their caught fish on a leader floating from a Downey or bleach bottle away from their bodies to not have to deal with the animals. Sharks have no bones and their bodies are surprisingly vulnerable. Dolphins know to ram them in their sides rupturing vital organs and killing the sharks quite effectively. Millions of sharks are killed every year and every specie on the planet is endangered. (reefannie)

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14y ago

If what you mean by "How do you fish a shark?" you mean on my Sims 2 cast away for wii, I heard you can get some on crystal island (to unlock it, you need to repair the forage in the temple, you need 6 six mechanical or 7, and 10 strength, or called: body and I already answered the questions on how to open the temple.) and THEN you can unlock crystal island. Another way, is when you perform a ceremonial cliff dive on 3rd island past the door to temple. A shark rips off half of a map piece and then you fish with a pole at the waterfall. You get a TIGER SHARK!. and the rest of the map piece.

- James Perkins

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