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Stats show that many men in especially the police force have a high rate of abusive behavior towards their wives. Some men of authority in the military can be extremely controlled in nature and pass this off onto their wife and children. This is not uncommon at all. Don't let the fact that your husband is a police officer or in the military stop you from getting away from him. He's using this fact against you. He's making you believe you don't stand a chance against him. Not true! When a police officer takes his oath and one in the armed forces as well it means just that, and any person, be in man or woman in such a position who dishonors their badge or their country is in for big trouble. They can stand to lose everything because if caught, they will disgrace both forces. If your husband is physically abusive and you have any fresh wounds, black eyes, split lip, bruising, etc., please have a friend take pictures of these marks on your body (be sure the camera has a date setter on it so it will show on the picture when developed.) This is evidence! If you have ever been to a hospital for broken bones (even a military hospital) a lawyer can get these records released for court. If your husband is just verbally abusive and controlling your life by it, then tape him! Hide a small tape somewhere in the house. Many people think that tapes are not admissable in court, but many judges can and often will allow it to be heard. Remember the OJ Simpson case? While your husband is not home, make a plan. First off, don't make excuses for this man!!!! Yes, being a police officer is very hard mentally, and also being in the military these days is enough to upset the strongest, but it's still no excuse to abuse women or children for that is the very thing they are doing their jobs PROTECT! Don't think you can get this man help! His mind has been shaped well in the dicipline area by both these forces and he's not about to change and some men in these forces abuse this power of authority. It's time you thought about yourself! Next, pack a light suitcase and hide it. Be sure you have the basics and any personal things you need because it can be some time before you will be back to get the rest and it may not be there when you go back. DON'T TRUST ANYONE, BUT THE ONE FRIEND YOU CHOOSE TO HELP YOU! If you can, get a good girlfriend to take you to a pay phone or use her cell to call a "Women's Abuse Center" and if you can't find that go to a Transition House and they will help you out. The Transition House is geared for helping women of abuse, they will protect you, they will help you in various ways and you have a place to stay. You will receive councelling, have a doctor check you over and also receive legal council. NO ONE is allowed into these Transition Houses with the exception of any employees working there and the women of abuse. They will eventually help you find a "safe place" and no one knows where you are. If this is difficult information to find out then phone your Mental Health and they will help you. IF YOU LIVE IN A SMALL TOWN, GO TO ANOTHER TOWN TO DO THIS. I know it makes it extremely difficult for you with your husband not only being in the police force, but also in the military, but it can be done. Chances are he won't bother coming after you because he won't want to risk losing his position in either, and he won't risk being found out and embarrassed. Men who abuse are actually weak and have probably come from an environment of abuse themselves. They only feel safe when they can control those around them and since none of us can control life in general, the abuser will pick the weakest person and the most fragile which is their wife, children or both. Believe it or not many abusers hate themselves for what they do and it even enrages them more. These people need help! You can't help them! Only a professional can, so it's time for you to move on into a brighter and more safer environment. Don't feel sorry for your husband, don't make excuses for him and don't stay! Be strong! Good Luck God Bless Marcy

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Q: How do you fix the situation if your husband is abusive but he's also a cop in the military?
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