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==One thing at a time== If your husband is truly abusive (you're not just looking for an excuse to wander), then you need to get out of the relationship, and fast! Once you have removed yourself from the abusive relationship, and have a chance to reflect on the reasons you chose a man like that, and also the reasons for remaining in the relationship once you found out that he was abusive, then...and only then, you should feel free to look for, and engage in, other relationships. If your old boyfriend truly cares about you, he will understand and give you the space you need to work through your present problems. Good luck. Bugger off with the old flame if you've got any sense.

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Q: What do you do if your husband is emotionally and physically abusive and you just bumped into an old boyfriend and you are tempted to cheat?
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First I would suggest reading the book titled " Boundaries "By Henry Cloud and John Townsend.

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No. Infidelity is morally wrong on all grounds. Shoulda just got a divorce.

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quietly do not let him know you are leaving. An abusive husband is a very common and serious problem. if you have plans to move in with your ex boyfriend then do it secretly make sure he is asleep or at least an hour or 2 away. if you receive threats do not answer he will find you. if he threatens you again go to the police it is no longer a small enough problem, CALL THE POLICE!!!

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I'm 16yrs.old and I was never pregnant but my mom had an abusive husband and I went and stayed with my boyfriend so if you feel like you can make it living with him you should try it if not forever but at least for a little bit. If you feel like staying there with your mom and her husband is stressing you out then leave because you could hurt your baby and no pregnant person should stress

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I am sure that it would depend on the abusive ex-husband.

What if your husband sleeps 12 hours a night and is still tierd the next day is still tierd?

Maybe, he could be emotionally/mentally tired, not just physically.