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It is usually hereditary

ANSWER: Thyroid impairment may be the result of a diet poor in iodine, physical or mental stress, genetic defects, infections, disease (usually autoimmune disease), or side effects of medications prescribed for various illnesses.*An enlarged thyroid, or goiter, may be an indication of disease. The enlargement may be diffuse or in the form of nodules. Although generally benign, goiters should always receive medical attention, for they might indicate a more serious condition, such as cancer.*

Usually, ailing thyroids produce either too much or too little hormone. Overproduction is called hyperthyroidism;underproduction, hypothyroidism. Thyroid disease can develop gradually and imperceptibly, so one may have it for years and not know it. As with most illnesses, the outcome may be better if the diagnosis is made early.

The more common thyroid ailments are Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Graves' disease. Both are autoimmune disorders-so named because the immune system attacks normal body cells, viewing them as foreign tissue. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is six times more common in women than in men, and it usually results in hypothyroidism. Graves' disease is eight times more common in women and generally causes hyperthyroidism.see 5/2009 Awake pg 26-27

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A goiter is inflammation of the thyroid gland, also known as the thyroid gland becoming enlarged. A goiter isn't necessarily genetic. However, thyroid conditions do run in families. So if someone in your family has a thyroid condition, this can increase your chances of having a thyroid condition.

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