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Leg presses will accomplish this - but don't overdo. Increase weights very gradually. Advice from a trainer is ideal. For the aerobic component, jogging - or, better yet, rollerblading - is very helpful.

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12y ago

Eat more. If you mean bigger as in more muscular, repetitions of squats and lunges help the thigh muscles strengthen.

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Q: How do you get bigger thighs?
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Are fat thighs healthy thighs?

fat thighs, no. but keep in mind fat and bone isn't the same. to some people my thighs are bigger, that's because I'm medium boned. to some people their thighs are bigger than mind. their larger boned. its not always fat, and actually can just be bone

How do you get bigger thighs and a bigger butt?

Try 6 Snickers bars every day. It worked for me.

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no, but it will lead to bigger thighs and arms

How can you get bigger thighs without getting a bigger stomach?

You can't preferentially add fat to a certain part of your body. Where your fat goes is determined by your genes. But if you want to add muscle to your thighs, the best exercise is barbell squats.

What food makes your thighs bigger?

i don't think there's actually foods that can make your thighs bigger my friend told me to eat peanut butter and jelly before going to bed it makes your butt big.but try exercise jogging and dancing. that's what i do and my thighs are big and my butt too.

Can bike riding make your thighs big?

a bike ride exercises your quadraceps and so yes it will build up muscle on your thighs, making them bigger

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if you you have big thighs and have skinny legs in the bottom can you make them bigger

How can a 5' 5 224 pound 15-year-girl grow bigger hips thighs and a bigger butt in two months?

Eat something greasy.

What is the bigger muscle bicep or quadricep?

The quadriceps are bigger because it controls your thighs so it must be bigger in order to lift your leg. As where your biceps is a muscle that controls your arm and also has a muscle to help it move. So the quadriceps are bigger and stronger.

Does pasta make your butt bigger?

No pasta dosen't make your breasts bigger. Your body collects fat in predetermined spots which are influenced by genetics. Fat normally collects on your thighs, hips, breasts and waist. When your weight goes up (by 20-30lbs.) your breasts will get bigger along with the rest of you, it's only when you gain significant weight that your breast size changes.

How do you get thick thighs and a bigger butt in a month?

for a bigger butt do 3 sets of 15 ATG squats(ass to grass) 3x a week and you will start to see results in about3 weeks . now for thicker thighs you also do squats but not ATGs stand then go down till your knee is at a 90 degree angles 15 a set 3 sets 3x a week ok:)

How can you lose weight on your thighs and bum without making the muscles bigger?

as told by my friend, just elevate or raise your legs everytime you rest or while setting