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get to level 45

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Q: How do you get extra room and balcony in Yoville?
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Related questions

How do you unlock the balcony in yoville?

You get the balcony when you get level 45

At what level do you get the balcony in YoVille?

level 45

What doors are unlocked at level 45 in YoVille?

Balcony off master bedroom in apartment

Can you get room mates on yoville Facebook?

no you can not

How do you get in a locked YoVille room?

You wait for it to be unlocked.

Can you become room mates on YoVille Facebook?

No !

How do you install a room on YoVille?

You have to earn enough yopoints

Where is edit room on YoVille?

right next to "Show Map"

Why is the balcony scene misnamed?

Most of the dialogue in the "balcony scene" takes place at the window in Juliet's room. Only the final line is on the actual balcony.

What is a very small balcony called?

A very small balcony is often referred to as a "Juliet balcony." It is a small, ornamental balcony that protrudes from the wall of a building without a platform or room for seating.

Move furniture to a house in YoVille?

You go to your apartment or house. Then click on Edit Room and then decorate the room or rooms

How do you get a balcony in your apartment in YoVille?

Keep leveling up until you get it. It's somewhere between level 36-50. There is only 50 levels so keep leveling up!