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I am not sure I quite understand your question. Why put tortoise eggs in a water tank?

Go to the Tortoise Trust website for information.

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Q: How do you get hatch lings from eggs laid by a Tortoise at home which you put in a water tank?
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Related questions

How does tortoise get born?

They hatch out of eggs.

How long does a tortoise need to sit on her eggs?

Tortoise do not sit on their eggs (they are not warm blooded so they can not warm them), they bury them in a nest made in a warm moist place and they hatch naturally.

How Tortoise hatch their eggs?

They bury them in sand/soil and leave them to their desitny

How many eggs does a sparrow give birth to?

A sparrow normally lays two to three eggs. Sparrows have very low mortality rate and thus the three hatch-lings are likely to survive to adulthood.

How long will it take for a tortoise egg to hatch?

Like a mythical dragon, tortoises tend to hatch when they think the occasion is right, especially when the planets align, a suitable caretaker is nearby, or on a blue moon. If the tortoise is retarded (like the majority of them), then it will probably hatch whenever it feels like coming out of it's little shell. Unfortunetly, the stupid human caretakers will think that the eggs are duds and will dispose of the eggs before they want to hatch.

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If a snail laid eggs on the side of the tank the tank was then filled with water the eggs are still attached to the tank will the water affect the eggs and how long will it take for them to hatch?

the water won't affect the eggs and they still have plenty of time to hatch

How long does it take desert tortoise eggs to hatch?

depends on temperature its being incubated. It usually takes around 80 - 120 days.

How big are tortoise eggs?

they can be has big as the tortoise

Can a red eared turtle lay eggs in the water?

She could - but the eggs wouldn't hatch.

How many eggs does a black widow produce?

Each sack can contain up to 1,000 eggs, the female can produce 4 to 9 sacks a summer but she will eat most of her hatch lings and normally less than a survive.

What are the differences between eggs laid on land and egg laid in water?

Eggs laid on land are hatched on the land and eggs laid in the water hatch in the water. *o*