

How do you get hot cocoa off your keyboard?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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15y ago

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Well if warm water on a rag does not work then you have one other alternative. You can put your keyboard in the dishwasher. I know it sounds crazy and you can do some more research on the internet but it has been done and it works. Once the wash cycle is over then lay your keyboard on a towel upside down and let it dry for about 3 days before you use it. Keyboards are so cheap these days you really don't have anything to lose.

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9y ago

One can follow the urban myth about putting a keyboard in the dishwasher but all the times I have seen it done, even after sitting upside down for as much as a week, the keyboard was ruined by the dishwasher whereas it was only sticky due to the sweetened coffee or pop or cocoa prior to the washing process. In other words, don't believe everything you read on the Internet or see on YouTube. The best idea is to use a paper towel to remove the liquid as quickly and as completely as possible, and then use both a paper towel and rubbing alcohol (aka isopropyl alcohol) to remove as much of the rest as possible. If this is a standard USB-attached keyboard, though, you might want to just go out and get a new keyboard so as to save yourself the hassle of potentially dealing with sticking keys or keys that have shorted out due to the spill. If instead this is an expensive keyboard such as the Logitech K800 wireless backlit keyboard that I use, then I hope you can get the spill cleaned up since replacement of such a keyboard turns that cocoa into a very expensive drink.

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Someone can purchase a nostalgic hot cocoa maker from a number of retailers online such as amazon. Amazon has a large selection of nostalgic hot cocoa makers from a number of manufacturers.

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