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People in your state vote for you

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Q: How do you get nominated to run for the Senate?
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Who was Nominated by the republicans in 1858 to run for the senate from Illinois?

Abraham Lincoln won the 1858 Republican Party nomination for senator for Illinois.

How do government department heads get their position?

They are nominated by the president and confirmed by the senate.

How does someone get appointed to the Supreme Court?

Be nominated by the President and then confirmed by the Senate.

Who chooses an appellate court judge?

They are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

When are cabinet members elected?

They're not elected; they are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

A US Supreme Court Justice must be nominated by the president and then confirmed by?

The senate

Who nominated the first justices of the US Supreme Court?

The President. George Washington, nominated and the Senate confirmed John Jay, first Chief Justice.

Who was nominated the Canadian activist woman of the century in 1967 and was appointed to the Senate?

Thérèse Casgrain

When is the last time a supreme justice was nominated by the president and voted down by the senate?


If nominated I will not run and if elected I will not serve?


Who approves presidential appointments to the Supreme Court?

Appointments to the Supreme Court are nominated by the President and approved by the United States Senate. There is a hearing, and one more than half of the Senate must approve in the affirmative for the appointment to be valid.

Who was the first African American to be nominated as president?

Barak Obama was the first to be both nominated and elected; others like Jesse Jackson have run, but were not nominated.