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I like tea tree oil, it really helps to get rid of a possible imperfection on my face.

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Q: How do you get rid of acne in 1 day uising home remedies?
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How do you get rid of your acne with home remedies how often do you use these home remedies?

Rub hydrogen peroxide on your face once or twice a day for a week. if it doesn't work by then it wont work. .:Maleah:.

What are several home remedies for acne?

There are several good home remedies for acne. I like to use Lemon for my treatment: Lemon is a very good solution for acne problems. When you have acne you need to apply some fresh squeezed lemon juice on the acne so it will go away faster. You can use cotton balls to saturate the lemon and tap them on the acne pimples. Wash the skin after about 30 min. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is one of the best known home remedies for acne and was shown to be effective in a few clinical trials. You have to be careful not to apply too much of the oil, though, because it can cause skin irritation when used in excess.

How do you get rid of acne at home?

by drinking 6- 8 glasses of water n doin half hour exercise every day dats wrkxx

Home remedies to put on weight?

You want to put on weight!? But all you have to do is eat yummy food and sit back and watch tv all day

Are there day spas that address the issue of acne scars such as ice picks, pock marks, etc?

Some day spas have beneficial things for acne scars.

How do you get rid of acne in less than a day?

the answer is that you carnt

What is a home remedy for severe acne?

once or twice a day rub hydrogen peroxide an your face. wait for about five minutes then RINSE your face with JUST WATER.

what are the best remedies to cure a dog dry nose at home?

Popular home remedies include applying a few dabs of coconut oil, petroleum jelly, shea butter, or olive oil onto your dog's nose several times a day. Over-the-counter nose butters and balms are also excellent options.

How do you get rid of acne on your legs?

that is not acne. it is razor burns. you can put aloe on it several times a day until it goes away. aloe will also help with acne anywhere else on your body if you have it.

What would be some good home remedies for migraines?

There are several home remedies that might help with the frequency and severity of migraines. A cold compress placed on the neck helps many people. Some people report relieve by eating two serving of pineapple a day. You might also like to try using a B-12 supplement.

Does straightening your hair cause acne?

Yes, the steam from your straightener can cause acne and even more when your hair touches your face all day.

How do you use the clean and clear acne control kit?

The first step you use is the Acne Control cleanser. After that use the acne control moisturizer. And if you have a couple of zits on your face then you the spot treatment :) When you first start to use the product, use it once a day. Then increase it to two time a day.