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old wives tale that seems to work in our house -

warm some milk, put a small piece of bread in the milk and let it soak up as much milk as possible. Remove the bread, letting the excess milk drip out. I know this sounds disgusting, but tape the milk-soaked bread to the sore and go to sleep. In the morning there will be no more pus. The bread/milk works as a suction to remove any pus and liquid. This allows you to combat the rest of the infection (if there is any left) by an antibacterial ointment.

This trick works great on boils aswell!

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14y ago

stop eating greasy foods and wash and rinse daily with a cleanser and toner to prevent afurther outbreak

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12y ago

wait until it has a white tip and the top of the pimple, then pop it

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Q: How do you get rid of an ingrown pimple?
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How do you get rid of a pimple on your knee?

pop it. you might put a hot rag on it to soften it. maybe it is an ingrown hair

What is the purplish pimple you have on your leg?

I'm no expert, but whenever I have them they are ingrown hairs caused by shaving (although you can get ingrown hairs if you don't shave,too). I find that when I exfoliate more frequently after shaving, I have fewer ingrown hairs.

How do you get rid of a pimple before tomorrow?

The only way to get rid of a pimple before tomorrow is by popping it. This will remove the pulse that is in the pimple and may leave a small scar.

How do you get rid of a cystic pimple under your arm?

put pimple lotion on it and lotion.

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i don't no, dose anyone know because i have a huge ingrown pimple on my chin and i need it to go away before tomorrow dose anyone know?

What causes ingrown hair and how do you get rid of them?

The best way to get rid of ingrown hairs is to contact your dermotologist. A dermotologist can provide the best treatment necessary that won't damage your skin.

How do you get rid of a hurting pimple?

hot water.

How do you get rid of a blood pimple on the nose?

The best way to get rid of a blood pimple on the nose is just to leave it alone. You will only make it irritated if you mess with it.

What is a red pimple with a black center and its itchy?

It may be an ingrown hair. There will be a loop of hair on the bump, pluck it and then your good.

How can you get rid of scars from pimples before that?

There are a few ways to get rid of pimple scars, I have heard that raw potato helps get rid of pimple scars. Search it on and that should help! I hope I helped you!

Can you get rid of pimples with achool?

Once a pimple is popped you can dab a little rubbing alcohol on it to dry out the pimple

How can you get rid of a pimple on a 9 year old?

Pop it