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Q: How do you get rid of bruises that are caused by blood thinner?
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Will cortizone get rid of bruises?

No. A bruise is a collection of blood under the skin. The only thing that will get rid of it is time. The blood has to reabsorb into the body.

Is there anything you can do to get rid of the bruising faster that is caused by liposuction?

Get some typical brown tea (orange pekoe) bags, wet them, and put them on your bruises. Soak your bruises in these. The tannic acid in the tea will help the bruises heal a lot faster. This works for any bruises.

Why do you have to eat fruit and vegetable to get rid of bruises?

The vitamins and nutriets help to fix the damage caused to the cells, eating fruits and veges make the bruise get well better and faster!

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Rat poison commonly contains anticoagulant rodenticides, which cause internal bleeding.An anticoagulant is a blood thinner.

What is Lanosil used for?

It is used to reduce swelling in help get rid of bruises faster

Can paint thinner get rid of head lice?

Yes, it is proven to

paint thinner spilled on garage floor, how to rid of fumes?

You can use cat litter to soak up any excess paint thinner. Open all doors and windows, and use fans to help the thinner evaporate quicker.

Where does the blood take the water from respiration to get rid of it?

the blood gets rid of the water in the kidneys from respiration

How do you get rid of bruises that has been there for a long time?

try rubbing some arnica cream on it, or you can take arnica tablets to heal it internally.

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How do you get rid of a bruise that you've been sucking on?

A bruise caused by sucking is known as a hickey. These are bruises that go away on their own naturally over time. To instantly cover it up, you'll need to put concealer or make up over the spot to hide it, or wear clothing over the area.

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