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See a doctor. You may be referred to a specialist.

Fungi are eukaryotes (like humans), unlike bacteria, so it's actually harder in some ways to treat a fungal infection than a bacterial one. Be sure and tell your doctor about any other drugs you may be taking, even if they're just over the counter medications, since there's a significant possibility of drug interactions.

Currently, many therapeutic options for treating toenail fungus. However, almost all of these therapies takes a long time. Topical treatment on average takes 6 months to repel a fungal infection of the nail. Therapy with antifungal pills takes approximately 3 months. Some studies also suggest that combining topical and oral treatments. Conventional therapy with topical and oral treatment requires patience. If not completed in treating nail fungus, these infections can recur. A lot of people who want to expel toenail fungus quickly. Advances in technology have found a treatment that is effective enough to quickly drive out toenail fungus, which is laser treatment. However, studies that prove the laser treatment is still not involved subjects with a sizeable amount.

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14y ago

Topical creams and ointments can help you get rid of your toenail fungus. There are a plethora of products out there claiming to get rid of toenail fungus, so do your research before you sink twenty bucks into a bottle of "llama sweat" for your toes. As mentioned, Vick's VapoRub is a popular and fairly successful treatment for toenail fungus.

Tea tree oil has been used as an effective remedy for toenail fungus. The natural oil found in the tea tree has anti-fungal properties. Purchase a bottle, place a few drops on the affected area each day and rub it in. You can combine this oil with others like almond, olive and lavender.

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14y ago

you can try a little vick's vapo-rub this may take some time but it will clear up. -------------------------------------------------------------- Doctors have different opinions on how to treat dermatophyte fungus infections. Some will only prescribe oral medications, which many people feel are not worth the risks. There are many natural remedies and home-cures including Tea tree and Neem oils, Vicks Vap-o-rub and chlorine bleach. Some people report success with sulphur medications that do not require a subscription. A popular prescription salve is Ketconasole. Nail fungus is extremely hard to totally get rid of.

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14y ago

Either go to see a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) (or a podiatrist) and obtain a medical prescription for a treatment or obtain a proprietary treatment such as 'Curanail' form you local chemist.

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13y ago

If on the skin, try to keep it dry and exposed to air. Tight clothes and sweat is a good environment for fungal infections to grow. Anti-fungal cream will usually remove the infection quickly, and if it's in an area where cream isn't applicable you'll want to get pills instead. Some fungal infections (eg. in the mouth) could be caused by an underlying disease, and in such cases, visiting a physician is the best way to get rid of it in the end.

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14y ago

You should have a doctor look at it because several different fungus infections can involve the toe nails. Most over-the-counter or prescription anti-fungal creams can improve the infection but all require regular application.

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Q: How do you get rid of fungus on your toe nails?
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Toe nail fungus?

Toenail fungus is caused by a group of fungus. Toe nail fungus causes disfiguration and discoloration of the nails. The affected nail becomes yellow or brown in colour. The nail could fall off or crumble easily. To prevent yourself from toe nail fungus keep your feet and nails clean. Wear cotton socks to absorb the moisture from your feet. Always keep your nails clean and trim them after they grow.

How do you prevent nails getting yellow?

Don't Smoke You can use toe nail fungus treatments OR natural toe nail fungus treatment OR Nail Fungus Cures OR Cure For Yellow Nails OR Natural Cure For Athletes Foot. Little help by visiting this website:

What kind of doctors heals fungus?

It dependes where the fungus is.usually a general physician can write a prescription for it.if it is in the toe nails better to go to a podiatrist

How to get rid of foot fungus on tow nails?

Regularly trimming and filing the infected nail reduces the amount of infection and can help eliminate the spreading of infection. A process called debriding (usually done by a podiatrist) involves filing down any part of the nail thickened by infection. Because, if treated properly, the infection should grow out with the nail, this maintenance will help you to get rid of your toenail fungus faster, and reduce the nasty appearance of the infection.

What the best way to get rid of thick toenails?

Well this certainly depends on what the problem is, maybe your body is not getting enough oxygen, although this usually turns your nail blue. In the case of black nails, you could have fungus. Is there any other coloring going on with your nails? I could say maybe you have hit a nail, but if you have toenails and fingernails which are black then this is highly unlikely.

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Pikachu is an awesome Pokemon and wants to eat your toe nails and your eyebrow hairs. yay

How do you cure yellow toenails?

I'm pretty sure that brown toe nails means they're dead, so I would just let them fall off by themselves, or grow out (i've never had brown toe nails before, my dad did). In most cases, people get brown toe nails if they smash them in a door or something.

Why are your toenails thick?

as you are aware, under our fingernails are thin, sensitive membranes called cuticles, and nails protect these. also, back in prehistoric times, humans had to survive in the wild, and the nails protected their hands and feet as they were running through the forests. [The above answer is ridiculous. Cuticles are a portion of the structure of the nails, the "sensitive membrane" parts of toe nails are simply the vascular parts of the structures that grow and nourish the nail. To suggest that nails exist to protect the sensitive membranes gets cause and effect backward. The above answer also conflates toe nails and fingernails, as toe nails do little to protect the hands. Finally, to suggest that toe nails protect the feet as prehistoric humans were running through the forests, the answerer seems to be unaware of the simple fact that toe nails are on the top of the toes, and even prehistoric humans ran on the lower surface of the toes. You can run in forests just fine without toe nails.] We have toe nails to as our evolved version of claws, as our biological ancestors were climbing creatures.

What makes toe fungi?

Toe fungus is usually a species of Tinea.

What are pock marks on your nails?

Toe Nails that have pock marks

What reaction do nails and vinegar create?

If referring to the effect of vinegar on finger and toe nails, vinegar is used to cure fungus. It can also weaken the enamel of the nail due to the acidity of the liquid.

Scientific word for toe fungus?
