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After an intensive workout do a cardio session on a slow pace for ten minutes(the blood runs fast so it flushes the lactic acid.

its very important to breath well during training so u take enough oxygen .

when u finish training and the cardio session of course ,take a hot shower and if possible go in a sauna shower or in the jakoozi water for ideal results.

There is another important thing the diet , you should eat a height carb,protein foods with a lot of vitamin c (the range is from 500-2000 mg per day) and a good amount of calcium (600-1500mg a day) after a the workout and the following days and drint a lot water . and do hot showers , jakoozi , sauna if needed the following days of the workout. when you get rid of the lactic acid decrease the amount of vitamin c to its normal levels (60-120mg) .and of course let your muscles get enough rest and sleep well ( 8-10h) @ night.

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Q: How do you get rid of lactic acid produced in fermentation?
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In the absence of oxygen what builds up in the muscles?

Lactic Acid, which is toxic and accounts for the burn felt during exercise. Hence the expression: No Pain No Gain.

Which exercise phase helps rid the muscles of lactic acid?


How does the circulatory systems remove waste products such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid?

Carbon dioxide- Breathing Lactic Acid- Excersize burns off lactic acid. ( The reason your muscles cramp after you work out is due to a build up of lactic acid, it may be painful, but if you run more or stretch it gets rid of the spare lactic acid.

Why is it necessary that the body remove lactic acid?

Lactic Acid is a waste product of anaerobic respiration which is produced following more than 10 seconds of continuous high intensity activity. The energy requirements of the muscles during high intensity activities is too high for the aerobic system ( oxygen ). The absence of oxygen in the reaction to fuel the muscles (respiration) means lactic acid is produced. In this context Lactic Acid is unnecessary for the human body given its acidic state. Enzymatic and molecular reactions fail in an acidic environment and the body therefore seeks to get rid of lactic acid

What does the body require to get rid of lactic acid inn a chemical pathway?


The body gets rid of lactic acid in a chemical pathway that requires?


How would you train for a big event without having lactic acid build up in muscles?

Cool down properly after your exercise to help get rid of lactic acid, as well as eating stuff like berries helps reduce lactic acid.

The body gets rid of lactic acid in a chemical pathway that requires what?


Why do runners inhale pure oxygen after a marathon?

After a marathon there is an oxygen deficit in your body. Your muscles have obtained energy through a process called lactic acid fermentation, which does not use oxygen but is less efficient than aerobic respiration. It also causes a buildup of lactic acid, which your body gets rid of using oxygen. Supplying pure oxygen allows your body to get that oxygen faster.

Why is lactic acid a problem?

The build-up of lactic acid in muscle tissue during strenuous exercise being actually a common cause of muscle cramps. This happens from insufficient oxygen not being able to oxidize lactic acid, which would otherwise get rid of it from muscle. Inosine and Creating supplements also help as preventive remedies to reduce the build-up of lactic acid in muscle

How many athletes need the lactic acid profile test?

farting is the best way of getting rid of lactic acid in the body.eating rat food will also more ginger biscuits

What is the waste that collects in the muscles?

Carbon dioxide, lactic acid, carbonic acid, and phosphoric acid. Most of these are removed via the blood/lungs. Lactate is the base of lactic acid. Lactic acid is the substance the can accumulate in response to physical exercise. Lactate is removed from the muscle over time. But according to a certain website I found, "lactic acid is not a waste product."