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There are many ways to deal with a wet cough in a toddler. The phlegm will lossen with a cool mist humidifier. While the child may hate having their nose suctioned, doing so will reduce their cough, you can use a bulb syringe for this. Use saline nasal spray or drops to help loosen it up. If it is really bad and isn't caused by Allergies or a cold, see a doctor.

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Q: How do you get rid of phlegm in toddlers?
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How can you get rid of thick phlegm in your throat?

Don't suck willy

My boyfriend always coughs up phlegm when he brushes his teeth is this normal?

It is common for your body to rid itself of excess phlegm in the mornings.

You have excess phlegm produced in throat and can't breath deeply due to less expansion of lungs?

yes I have phlegm in my throat already a few years and I can;t get rid of me please.

What are some Natural remedies for getting rid of phlegm?

They say a spoon of honey & ginger should do the trick.

Some simple home remedy to get rid of phlegm?

The herb mullein made into tea is a cough suppressant and expectorant (will loosen phlegm). Hot showers and staying away from dairy helps as well.

How do you pronounce phlegm?


What is the sentence of phlegm?

I have a cough then suddenly, the phlegm was blocking my throat.

Where does the phlegm go if you swallowed it?

Phlegm will go into your stomach and the acid in your stomach will dispose of it naturally, just the way it does when you swollow food. It is not harmful to swallow phlegm.

How much do batery powered rid in cars for kids cost?

They can cost up to several hundred dollars. For toddlers they usually run about one hundred dollars.

What does phlegm do?

Phlegm helps to trap foreign materials such as dirt, microbes and pollutants from going further into the body. Phlegm comes in different colors from shades of green to white.

Can phlegm be food?


What colour is a normal phlegm?

clear phlegm is normal. Red,Green,yellow is not normal---get help.