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you have to find out yourself because i don't know ! ! !

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Q: How do you get sugar back after being dissolved?
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Is sugar a solvent or solutes?

sugar is solute, water is solvent, sugar+water=Solution

Is sugar reversible when dissolved in water?

if by reversible you mean can you get it back as regular sugar than yes

Identify the solute and solvent when sugar and water are mixed to form nectar for a hummingbird feeder?

Water is the solvent and sugar is the solute. The solute is the substance that is being dissolved. The solvent is the substance that the solute is being dissolved into.

How would you separate dissolved sugar from water?

By evaporating the water out, which precipitates the sugar back into its crystalline form.

What are the solutes and solvents in sugar water?

The solvent is what does the dissolving, therefore the water. The solute is what is being dissolved, which in this case is the sugar.

Did the sugar dissolve in water?

No, sugar is the solute. The water is the solvent.Sugar is the solute, (the thing being dissolved) and the water is the solvent, (the thing that the solute is being dissolved in)

What is dissolved in alcohol?

Sugar Is dissolved in alcohol

Can you get dissolved sugar back if it is in tea?

yes you can all you have to do is wait for the tea to evaporate (turn into gas state) then the sugar crystals will appear

Why does brown sugar dissolve faster than white in water?

Due to brown sugar being natural and white being refined. ---------------------- The white sugar is dissolved faster; brown sugar has some impurities which are not so soluble in water.

When sugar is dissolved in water water is called a?

When sugar is dissolved in water, water is called a SOLVENT

Capable of being dissolved?

Solubility: The ability of one substance to dissolve in another at a given temperature and pressure

When sugar is dissolved in water the sugar is?

The solute.