

Best Answer

Code segment
assume cs:code
mov si,1500h
mov di,1600h
mov ax,[si]
mov bx,[si+2]
add ax,bx
mov [di],ax
mov [di+2],dx
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
code ends

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Q: How do you get the input in assembly language using 8086 microprocessor for addition?
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How many bit input is given to a microprocessor?

8 bit input is given to Intel 8085 microprocessor.

Is an microprocessor input or output?

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Is microprocessor output or input device?

output device

What are registers in assembly language?

Registers are memory locations on the microprocessor itself (not in main memory). In RISC architectures generally most operations (add, multiply, etc) must take there input from registers and write their output to a register. Since registers are located directly on the microprocessor, they represent the fastest form of memory in the computer, and also the type of memory available in the least quantity.

What are the input and output devices supported by a microprocessor?

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Is a microprossesor input or output?

A microprocessor isn't input or output. It is the middle, it is the center. It takes input (from eg a keyboard) and generates output (for a eg a printer).

What is an interfacing in microprocessor?

The communication between input and output device is called interfacing.

What type of signal must be applied to the input of a microprocessor?

square pulse signal

What is the lastest microprocessor?

[url=]A microprocessor[/url] is a multipurpose, programmable, clock driven, register based device that takes input and provides output.

What is a microprocessor's Instruction Set?

There are binary patterns which when present on a microprocessor's input register, cause a fixed set of switching to occur within the processor, across a defined number of clock cycles. They comprise the instructions which cause the microprocessor to do things.

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