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The easiest, least stressful way to stop lactating is by reducing the number of breast feeds you do each day - slowly. If they baby currently takes all their feedings at the breast - substitute one feeding for a bottle during the day. Wait a couple days as your production slows down, then drop a second feeding, repeat until baby is taking all their feeds by bottle (or cup if over 1 year old).

Doing this over the course of one to two weeks will make an easy transition for mom and baby.

If slowly stopping isn't an option and you have been nursing full time - you are probably going to face some discomfort for a few days. Use warm showers, warm or cool compresses as needed and a snug bra to help ease engorgement.

If your breasts become very swollen, stand in the shower with warm water pouring down and express some of the milk out by hand.

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13y ago
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15y ago

you can ask your doctor for a priscription, I forgot the name of the pill's, but ask youre doctor, they work wonders for me.. I would say to slowly wean your baby off breastmilk. Reducing his/her breastmilk feedings by one a day, each week until you're down to zero will do the trick.

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11y ago

You can just stop breastfeedding and it will just dries up.

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What should a mother do if she can not breastfeed?

If a mother can not breastfeed, there are a few options. If you wish to continue with breast milk, you can look into breast milk banks. If you are able to produce breast milk, but can't get baby to latch, you may be able to pump! Check with a lactation nurse! I highly recommend trying to breastfeed, because breast milk is truly best. IF you can not breastfeed, and the other options will not work for you either, you can use infant formula like Parent's Choice from Walmart, Up & Up from Target, and other brands. If you do choose to use formula, keep in mind that using a store brand, over the highly marketed name brands will save you up to 50% off the price of those national brands. The store brands are nutritionally equal to the more expensive brands, thanks to the Infant Formula Act of 1980, all infant formulas must be created nutritionally equal, so you can save money and not worry about your baby getting the nutrients he/she needs.

You like woman breast milk and you have drunk so many times of more than 20 women you also drink breast milk of your wife daily now you wish to drink the breast milk of your sister is it ok?

No, because that gets into incest, which is illegal.

You want more milk after delivery how to get?

Do you mean that you wish to produce more breast milk once the baby is born? If so, breastfeeding is about "supply & demand". The more the baby sucks, the more milk will be produced. If you feel you dont have enough milk, allow your baby to suck for longer. Encourage him if he falls asleep. And put him on the breast more often - once an hour if you need to. You should see your milk supply increase within 24 hours.

What are some useful supplies for a nursing mother?

If a mother is nursing her newborn baby with breast milk, she may wish to obtain a breast pump. This device is used to induce the flow of breast milk. There are also unique bras that make the process of using a breast pump hands-free, allowing the mother to do other tasks.

Is full cream milk same as whole milk?

I don't know the science behind it, but from taste, I would say definitely not. No, whole milk is made from raw milk. I know from the full cream milk I have to buy in Egypt, it is pasteurized as it can last for 6 months if not longer on the shelf, so that is a definite difference. I wish I could buy whole milk here!

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Your milk will probably dry up no matter what you do because it hasn't really come in yet. But if you want to make milk, talk to your doctor they might have some help for you. If you want to continue milk supply the best way would be to pump the milk on a consistent basis....drink plenty of water and you should remain on a diet similar to that of a pregnant woman because you want the milk to be healthy and flowing easily. You can look on the internet to see what is the recommended diet of a breastfeeding woman to help with the diet I'm talking about.

What does it mean when a girl is leaking breast milk?

sadly im not sure, but when i was twelve i had lumps in my breasts and my doctor asked if they leaked to get rid of something. i dont know if its a good sign or bad sign. but atleast you know you are not alone. :)

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Are you able to produce breast milk even if you havent breastfed in 6 years i was told that after you have nursed u can produce milk no matter how many years has passed?

Yes, what you have heard is true. A woman can restart the milk in her breasts, or relactate, at any time. This is most commonly done when an infant is adopted and the adoptive mother wants to give every best advantage to her new child. Relactation primarily involves nipple stimulation that is usually provided by a breast pump. The pump is used multiple times a day for a period of weeks. This stimulation along with herbal supplements will give signals to the mother's body that breast milk is needed and her milk production will begin again. I wish you good luck as you explore the possibilities of beginning again the miracle of breast feeding. Of course consult your doctor about any other health concerns you may have. The services and encouragement of a qualified lactation consultant are also invaluable and should be sought out early on.

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You make your wish before, then you break it and whoever has the longer half will have their wish come true!

What is the best baby bottle to use when one is breastfeeding?

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