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Easy. Change any + to -, any += to -=, any ++ to --

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Q: How do you get your nested loop to decrement and not increment?
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What type of loop can either increment or decrement the loop control variables value?

Counting Loop

For loop in c language?

for(assigning initial value;condition;increment/decrement) { statement; }

Why are increment and decrement used in c?

To increment or decrement a value

Which arithmatic operations can be performed on pointers?

Increment and decrement only.

How can you offset a pointer in C?

Increment or decrement the pointer by the required offset.

How do you exit in nested loop in java?

You may exit a nested loop in Java using a break with a label for the outer loop.

What is the best iteration loop and why?

There is no best loop. All the loops have some special functionality which when used properly will provide great results. Here's my opinion on the three loops:for and while loop:These are entry controlled loops. In case of a for loop; initialization, condition and increment/decrement is done together inside the parenthesis. For loops are best suited for purposed where the number of iterations are fixed. In case of a while loop; initialization, condition and increment/decrement are done separately. These are best suited for purposed where the number of iterations are loop:This is an exit controlled loop. Hence it is best suited for purposed where you want a set of statements to be executed despite the loop condition being false.

What is auto increment and auto decrement mode?

access and update in one instruction.

In C which loop is embedded within another loop?

The nested loop.

How different is pre and post increment in c plus plus from pre and post increment in C programming?

The pre and post increment (and decrement) operator is the same in C++ as it is in C.

What is a nested loop in java?

A nested loop is a (inner) loop that appears in the loop body of another (outer) loop. The inner or outer loop can be any type: while, do while, or for. For example, the inner loop can be a while loop while an outer loop can be a for loop.

What is the opposite of the word increment?

The process of decreasing in number, size, quantity, or extent.Decrease, loss, decrement, reduction, diminution, decline, decay, etc. Decrement.