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Hmmm..., I am a college student and I read about this new idea of making contests instead of exams!

If you are a professor or any type of teacher you should really consider this! I would want my teachers to, however they are not really big fans of something new :/

Here is some general information about the company that does it all :) I am quite impressed!

TunedIT - Contest in place of exam

Traditional system of evaluation of credited tasks for students will soon become outdated. TunedIT created the contest system and platform, which enables students getting credits just from home. The new system will be beneficial both for students and for professors.

It seems that getting credits for laboratory classes does not need to be boring again. Students of computer science have to solve several assignments in their laboratory classes, which are then taken into account by their tutors when giving final grades. Usually, a student, in order to get credit has to write a program or elaborate an algorithm. It applies in particular to such lessons as "Artificial Intelligence", "data mining" or "self-learning systems". Generally, in the framework of these subjects, a lecturer requires from his or her students to work out an algorithm for a given problem (data set).

Most frequently, in Polish universities, as far as computer science students are concerned, they have approximately one month to prepare such algorithm. When they finish, they send it to professor in charge of laboratory classes for evaluation.

Competitions organized on TunedIT platform constitute an alternative for students' vis-à-vis traditional way of crediting. These competitions encompass identical assignments but the participants send their solutions over internet to special Web page established for the needs of contest. Their works are immediately tested and automatically evaluated. What even more important, every student can see his or her result, instantly compare a quality of the solution with others and still have a chance for improvement. Such model of crediting may become an option for student, thus eliminating the traditional one. From didactic point of view, contests organized by TunedIT may have substantial influence upon development of students' skills because they will force the participants to actively search for the best possible solution and to learn from one's own mistakes.

Still, the TunedIT platform specializing, among others, in organization of competitions for computer science students, has in fact more functionalities. In fact, one can arrange any type of competition with a use of this particular solution. - We are able to organize practically any type of data mining assignments - says Marcin Wojnarski, the founder of TunedIT- Contest platform TunedIT is very comprehensive and gives this opportunity to organize competitions in many different fields. In fact, we can trigger on it all kinds of assignments in 'data mining', but also in other fields, like data compression.

The very first competition for students to get credits for a given assignment was arranged in May 2009. This contest was organized for the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics in the University of Warsaw. Use of this platform for organization of contests for students has a lot of advantages, and university circles in Poland and abroad have become more and more interested in this very solution.

TunedIT is an international service. Our contest platform may be used in any place of the world: USA, Germany, Great Britain, not excluding even more exotic places where many young IT specialists are educated, like in India and China. - explains Wojnarski - Our users come from a dozen of countries, among others from the USA, England, India, China, Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Iran and Japan. In the scientific rivalry organized recently in TunedIT, which terminated in the end of February, triumphed the teams from China, Australia, Croatia and Japan.

One of the trumps of TunedIT platform is a complete automation of assignment evaluation system that saves time for both students and teachers. TunedIT platform offers large-scale integration between its users what contributes to competition in pursuance of the best results. Founders of this service assure that only the users have access to contest results. Data is protected by access code known solely to the participants. Hence, the inventors of TunedIT platform established the system, which saves time and provides for completely objective evaluation of tasks, thus producing fair results. These advantages may surely stimulate greater interest in this platform not only in Poland but also in the world.

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Mobile 502-128-196

Kamil Mazuruk

Mobile: 783 260-282

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13y ago

Revision games over the internet.

For GCSE's

BBC Bitesize

Sam Learning

For other qualifications i do not know what could be used to make it more fun, im not sure if their are revision games or any other fun ways

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12y ago

Yes, of course you can all you need to do is make it fun for your self for example if you liked puzzles and riddles maths is well the start of puzzles so all you need to do is keep it that way!

i study with an app on iPod touch called study flash. i like to quiz myself to study so i make questions and put the answers on the back. if you get it right, you can check it off. if you dont have an ipod touch, iphone, ipad, etc., you can just make flashcards by cutting out paper or using index cards.

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11y ago

well theres tones of ways to make studing fun make a sog make a borad game out of your words or facts dont be all like this is junk make it fun or as i say look on a brighter side of town and you can do lots of other ways to study all you have to do s have some fun dont make it harder for you make it easier k

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6y ago

The way to make things fun is to do like Mary Poppins says: make the job a game! If you make a fun quiz, your studying will go faster and be more fun. Pretend you're on a game show and see how many study questions you can answer. Make flash cards to help you learn terms and definitions and formulae. Get a friend to help and to reward you when you get the right answers - they can give you play money like on a game show, or chocolate kisses, or gold stars! The trick is to find the fun.

Another fun way to study is to make up silly sentences like Lindalee has said - the sillier the sentence, the better you'll remember. Or make up a song like the alphabet song to help you remember lists or facts.

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14y ago

playing some xbox should help.

Pull an all nighter with xbox the night before,

and when you go to school.

Fall asleep.

then when you get home play xbox

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6y ago

You can make up a sentence with key words to help you remember.

My very educated mother just showed us no Pluto. To help remember 8 planets and that Pluto is now a dwarf.

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studying help you by getting good grades,less worrying andstress,also it helps clear your mind too thats how studying helps you.

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It is confirmed that studying is very effective when it comes to better grades in school. Studying for test, exams can refresh what you have already learned and will give you a better chance at great grades.

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You need to have a set time to study every day. Treat it just like a job and get it done. Then you can have fun after you're done. If you pretend it's a job, you'll concentrate better -- your "paycheck" is going to be the good grades that will let you pass school and get into a good college.

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Listen to the teacher. Do all your homework. Work hard. P.S- you should really be studying Here are some good links you can look through, too!

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If you are very serious about your sport, it can start to take over your life: Practice can make it hard to get your homework & studying done, and pressure to be good at your sport might feel stronger than the pressure to get good grades (causing your grades to drop).

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Hope you enjoy studying. And then after you say that smile.

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According to me, getting good grades do not affect how much you study. I basically just, well, study a lot even though I get As and Bs all the time. That's a good example of how studying all the time gets you good grades! You have the right idea about studying. I think the question is asking the opposite, though. Oddly enough, getting good grades too easily can affect your study habits. If your schoolwork is too easy for you, you might get into the habit of "coasting" or not studying much. Then, when you get into a higher grade, or into university, you will have poor study habits and your grades might drop. School should be hard enough for you to have to work to get the top grades - if you're in a class that's not challenging for you, ask the teachers and your parents about moving up to a more advanced class. Not only will you learn more, you'll be much less bored and you will be on the fast track for a university degree!

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