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I have really bad dry skin on my hands. I started to get slits, and I seemed to be bleeding all the time. Very bad. I finally found an extremely quick cure. Every night before you go to bed, put on some hand lotion that is specifically desgined for dry skin. Let that sink in for a couple of minutes. Next, use lanolin. It is meant for breastfeeding, but it will work wonders for all dry skin. Put a layer of the lanolin wherever your dry skin is. And finally, wear gloves to bed. After 4 nights, my hands were perfect. At the beginning, I recommend doing this every night. Once it gets better, you won't have to do it as often, especially in the summer. If you decide to just stop, it's possible that it will come back, but you can just do it as needed.

You can also switch to a soap that contains aloe. I use a popular liquid soap that contains aloe in the bathroom and that helps a lot, even though my kitchen soap is ordinary dishwahing liquid.

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11y ago
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12y ago

This is usually a temporary condition and can be easily relieved by using a moisturising hand creme for a while.

1. Use an unscented fragrance free hypoallergenic moisturizing lotion - apply after you take a shower.

2. Dont take a very hot sure as it will dry out your skin even more.

3. Try to cut down on washing your hands as excessive drying will cause dry palms. Preferably use the lotion after yo was your hands.

good luck.

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12y ago

To heal dry cracked hands you have to put lotion on at least three or four times a day until they are healed and you don't want to put on scented lotion. Put on lotion that is normal.I would recondmend Equate Daily Moisturizing lotion.

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I always use 'Jerkins' moisturiser. and just use it for a week or so. If its cold out make sure you use gloves.... it may prevent the dry skin.

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Because they get dry just like human hands. Use Bag Balm or all-natural Aloe Vera gel.

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With really dry hands, it is important to moisturize with lotion that is specifically designed for dry skin.