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Q: How do you hurt my knee to where i would have to used crutches?
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How do you get crutches if you really want them?

Crutches are sold in medical supply stores, so go buy a pair of them. If you have never used them let me warn you they are not easy to use and they hurt under your arms.

Does a knee brace hurt?

NO!!! Not at all. It wouldn't be used to help you if it hurts. It actually protects you from getting hurt

What percent of people have used crutches?


Are crutches used after an arthroscopy?

The use of crutches is commonplace after arthroscopy, with progression to independent walking on an "as tolerated" basis by the patient

Do you need crutches for a broken or fractured toe?

I feel you, literally. I had a really bad bruised foot, and then I irratated it on monday and then on Tuesday I went to the ER. Next day, I went to the foot doctor and It was fractured/ broken. I am now on crutches with a boot for a month. So if I were you, I would go to the doctor and get it checked out. Then probably you will get crutches. My foot was still bruised 3 weeks later.

Used by lame people to help them walk?

A walking stick Crutches A zimmer (walking) frame. Leg callipers

What type of crutch is used by a patient diagnosed with arthritis?

That would depend on what joint damage there is I have RA and have never ever used crutches other then in fun.

How do you get on crutches by the hospital?

Put the top flat bit under each armpit then hold the handles half way down with your hands and each time you would use your bad leg put the weight on the crutches instead and swing the good leg through.

Where do you say the pain is to get on crutches?

Crutches should not be used unless there is a specific need. Walking with crutches can cause falls, can result in pulled muscles, and can create new pain in an otherwise healthy person. Crutches shift the body's center of gravity and should not be used as a "plaything". As well, unless crutches are fitted properly for height and weight, the use of crutches can cause shoulder injuries.Instead of wishing to be on crutches, discuss why you are feeling you want them. Do you feel people on crutches get more attention? That they get out of responsibilities or get special perks? If so, discuss with your parents or a counselor what you feel you lack as far as attention.You might also talk to someone who has had to maneuver on crutches. It is not easy. It makes the arms, shoulders, back and the "unaffected" leg feel sore. It can create hip pain. Crutches cause inconvenience since you can't use your hands or arms to carry things. I bet people who have used crutches will tell you that they hated every minute and couldn't wait for the day they didn't have to use them anymore.

When should yoou use a knee brace?

A knee brace is not a cast (although it may look like one) and is used if your knee is severely injured. It will support and comfort the knee, so the person will have the ability to walk again with it on.

What muscles are used for flexing the knee?

the hamstring is used for flexing the knee